Managing your research publications details
About Enlighten
Enlighten is the University’s system for managing research publications. Details of all research publications must be recorded in Enlighten, as the data is used for a number of key purposes:
- Publicising worldwide the research carried out at the University of Glasgow;
- Populating staff pages with publications details;
- Providing publications details for the University’s REF return;
- Providing publications details for the Performance and Development Review process
The University’s Research Publications & Copyright Policy also requires staff to deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) of journal articles and conference proceedings where this is permitted by publishers.
Benefits of depositing in Enlighten
Benefits for authors
- Greater visibility of your work leading to increased access, more downloads and increased citations
- Increased access to research material worldwide for you as a researcher
- Compliance with funders open access policies
- The possibility of showcasing the work of a specific research group
Wider benefits for society
- Opening up of research literature worldwide
- Increasing access to research for those who are ultimately funding much of it (tax payers)
- Better access to the scholarly literature for researchers in developing countries
Benefits for the University
- Increased visibility of the research being carried out at Glasgow
- Potential to increase collaboration, attract research students
- A show case for the University's research
What to deposit
What should I deposit?
You should add details of all of your research publications to Enlighten. It is currently possible to add the following publication types to Enlighten:
- Article
- Book
- Book Section
- Edited Book
- Scholarly Edition
- Research Report or Paper
- Conference Proceedings
- Patent
- Artefact
- Exhibition
- Composition
- Performance
- Audio
- Key Findings
If you need to add a publication type that is not listed please contact the Enlighten team for advice (
New publications can be added whenever you like. Colleges and Schools may have their own policies on how often publications should be added to Enlighten, and may contact you periodically advising you to check your publications are up to date. We recommend that you check your publications lists regularly to ensure that any new publications are listed.
You need to add the details of your research publications – the University also asks staff to deposit a copy of the full text of journal articles and conference proceedings where publisher agreements permit. See the Depositing full text tab for more information. Note that publishers will usually only permit the published PDF to be added if you have paid for open access when you published the article.
How to deposit
How do I add my publications?
Please email if you have had a paper accepted for publication recently
Or email for addition of older papers, questions or corrections.
All staff are able to add publications to Enlighten if they wish to do so. Log into Enlighten using your GUID via the log-in link on the Enlighten site left hand menu. You can also upload the full text of your publication during the deposit process.
For staff who will be depositing their own publications see our Deposit Guide for help on using the Enlighten system. If you need any help with the process don't hesitate to contact the Enlighten team (
Full text
Depositing full text
What’s required?
The University’s Publications Policy requires staff to deposit copies of peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings into Enlighten. This policy came into effect on 22nd September 2008. This was superceded by the Research Publications & Copyright Policy which came into effect on 1st September 2023. It applies to material submitted for publication from this date onwards. You are not required to deposit the full text of earlier publications unless you wish to. Staff may also deposit other published material such as book chapters and monographs if permission can be obtained from publishers. Enlighten staff are happy to contact publishers on your behalf.
Why should I do this?
Making the full text of your publications available in Enlighten will give them maximum public exposure, as they will be freely available to anyone who wants to read them. Full text available in Enlighten usually appears on the first page of search results in Google if someone searches for the title of your paper. Individual download statistics are available for all papers – these show that papers in Enlighten attract high usage rates. See our Download statistics information for details of levels of use.
Do publishers allow this?
Most publishers permit deposit in repositories such as Enlighten so long as certain conditions are adhered to. The most common conditions relate to the version of the article that can be used, and embargo periods during which articles may not be made available. Enlighten staff will check each publication deposited and will ensure that publisher conditions are met. Where no policy is publicly available Enlighten staff will contact publishers on your behalf. Where deposit is not permitted only the bibliographic details of your publication will be made available. For further information on publisher policies see the JISC Open Policy Finder.
How do I do it?
If you or your funder has made a payment to a publisher to make your publication available on open access it is likely that you will be permitted to make the publisher version available in Enlighten.
If this is not the case you should deposit or send your own final version of your publications, and not the publisher PDF version, as most publishers do not permit their version to be made available in repositories unless you have paid an open access fee. This means the closest version you have to the publisher version. It can include changes made following refereeing and editing, but cannot include publisher logos, copyright statements etc.. The format of files should be either Word or PDF.
If you are in a College where staff are asked to add their own publications to Enlighten you simply need to upload your file (Word or PDF) at the start of the deposit process. If you are in a College where publications are added to Enlighten on your behalf please e-mail full text as an attachment to with details of the publication.
Enlighten staff will check all publications to ensure that publishers permit deposit in repositories, and that copyright agreements are adhered to. If the publisher of your article does not permit deposit in repositories the full text will not be made publicly available.
If there are any issues with the file you have sent/deposited Enlighten staff will be in touch.
Common questions
Once a publication is publicly available in Enlighten most changes can only be made by members of the Enlighten team.
The status of one of my publications has changed from ‘In press’ to ‘Published’ – how do I change this?
Go to the record in Enlighten for your publication and use the 'Request a correction' button to let the Enlighten team know. They will change the status on your behalf.
There is a record for one of my publications in Enlighten but I am not associated with it as an author.
Contact the Enlighten team via giving details of the publication and they will add your name to the list of associated authors.
Not all of my publications are listed in Enlighten.
If current University of Glasgow publications are missing from your profile, please contact with the details for advice. Publications from previous institutions are now automatically populated from ORCID under the Prior Publications tab on your staff profile.
Someone else's publication is appearing on my page. How can I remove this?
Contact the Enlighten team at with details of the publication. They can remove you from the author listing so that it does not show up on your staff profile page.
I added a publication to Enlighten but it is not showing on my staff page yet.
Once publications have been deposited in Enlighten they move to an Editorial review area before becoming publicly available. Enlighten staff check the details of each publication and add more information where necessary. Depending on the volume of publications being added it can sometimes be a couple of days before publications are made publicly available. Data for staff profile pages is pulled from Enlighten overnight, so it will be the following day before it appears in your staff profile page.
If you deposited a publication more than a working week ago and it has still not appeared you can contact the Enlighten team to check on progress.
How do I select my REF publications?
Information on the REF can be found on the REF webpages.
Do I need to upload the full text when I’m adding publications I’ll be submitting to the REF?
The University has not asked staff to add full text for all publications being submitted to the REF. However, the University Research Publications and Copyright Policy does require staff to deposit the Author Accepted Manuscript in Enlighten. See the Depositing Full Text tab for more information.
I have recently moved to the University from another institution. Can I add my previous publications to my Staff Profile?
Yes. Publications from previous institutions are now automatically populated from ORCID under the Prior Publications tab on your staff profile. If you want prior publications to appear in the Prior Publications tab then you can manage this using your ORCID account. For details on how to do this please see our page on Managing your ORCID iD.
How do I find out how many times my papers have been downloaded from Enlighten?
If full text is available for your publication in Enlighten you can contact to request your download statistics.
How do I add full text to an existing Enlighten record?
Send the paper as an attachment (Word or PDF) to along with the details of the publication and we will add it on your behalf.
I want to add the full text of my paper but am not happy uploading a draft/Why does Enlighten ask for the author final version? What is this?
Some journal publishers will only permit authors to upload what they refer to as an author final draft/version and not the published PDF. Generally speaking this is because they feel that if they did permit the published PDF to be uploaded they would go out of business! However, as increasing numbers of funders requiring open access and publishers offering paid open access options it is becoming more likely that you will be able to make the published PDF available in Enlighten so long as you have paid the requisite fee. For more information on what publishers permit see the JISC Open Policy Finder.
Getting help
Getting help
If you need help with using Enlighten or have a query about anything related to your research papers the Enlighten team will be happy to help. Please contact us by e-mail at The team will respond to your query as soon as possible. You can also contact us by phone on 0141 330 3852.
Training Sessions
We can arrange training sessions either for groups of staff or for individuals. Contact the Enlighten team at for more information.