Withdrawing from University

Withdrawal is the formal process for leaving your programme of study and the University.

Thinking about withdrawing?

Before deciding that withdrawal is the best action for you, please discuss your decision with your Adviser of Studies/Supervisor. Where possible, we will try and give you the advice and support you need to help you stay and carry on with your studies.     

If you plan to withdraw because of financial difficulties you are advised to contact the Financial Aid Team, who may be able to provide assistance.  The team cannot assist with tuition fees but may be able to assist with living costs.

If you decide to withdraw from University there are some practical things that you need to consider:

Tuition fees

Your tuition fee liability will be recalculated as part of the withdrawal process. Depending on the date of your withdrawal, and how you are funding your studies, you may find you have to pay outstanding tuition fee or other charges or your account may be in credit.  If you are in credit, you need to request a refund via the Helpdesk.

We strongly advise that you also speak directly with your funding provider for advice on whether and how withdrawal may affect your funding and any future entitlement to student support. If you do withdraw you must inform your funding provider that you have done so.

Further information on how withdrawal will affect tuition fee liability is available in the Refund Policy.

Maintenance loans, scholarships, bursaries and financial aid

Your entitlement to any scholarships, bursaries, loans or financial aid you may be receiving as a student will normally cease when you withdraw, for further information please this guide:

Changes to your Student Status and Impact on Student Loans

You will also be ineligible to apply for/receive any further financial aid from the University.

We strongly advise you to speak directly with your funding provider for advice on how withdrawal will affect your funding and any future entitlement to student support. If you do withdraw you must inform your funding provider that you have done so.

Access to University facilities and services

If you withdraw you will lose your entitlement to access University facilities, including the Library and IT facilities.

You should ensure that you return all library books and any other University property to the relevant unit and copy any files or emails on you student IT account that you wish to keep within 30 days from the date you receive confirmation that your withdrawal has been processed.


If you live in University student housing you will normally be expected to move out of their accommodation if you withdraw. Please refer to your Accommodation Contract or contact Acommodation Services for further information.

International students

If you are an international student with a Tier 4 visa or Student Visa, you cannot remain in the UK if you withdraw from the University. Once you have been withdrawn you must make arrangements to leave the UK as soon as possible, regardless of the expiry date on your visa.

If you are considering withdrawal we strongly advise you to contact International Student Support to ensure that you are fully aware of the immigration implications of your decision.

US Federal Loans

If you are in receipt of US federal aid you should contact Financial Aid to discuss the impact of withdrawal.


How to withdraw

If after discussing your situation you decide to withdraw, it is not sufficient to verbally inform your Adviser of Studies or Programme Leader or to simply stop attending your course. You need to complete an online form to submit your request.

If after discussing your situation you decide to withdraw, it is not sufficient to verbally inform your Adviser of Studies or Programme Leader or to simply stop attending your course.

To submit a withdrawal request, log in to My Student Center then click on My Withdrawal Form

What happens after submitting the withdrawal form?

1. An acknowledgement that your withdrawal form has been received will be sent to your student email account and the relevant Chief Advisor/Graduate School will be informed that you have notified us that you wish to withdraw from University.

2. Your withdrawal will enter a 10 day administration period during which time the Chief Advisor/Graduate School may contact you to discuss your decision and your withdrawal will be processed. Should you decide not to withdraw during this period, you or the Advisor/Graduate School may contact registry-withdrawals@glasgow.ac.uk to cancel your withdrawal.

3. At the end of the 10 day administration period an email confirming your withdrawal will be sent to your student email account.

Re-entering the University

If you decide to re-enter the University following your withdrawal, you should contact the Senior Adviser in your previous College for advice about re-admission.

Undergraduate students in their first year of study

If you withdraw before the 30th November you will have to reapply through UCAS for entry to the University in a future year.