Visa Extensions

Visa Extensions Overview

Students who require a Student Visa to study at the University of Glasgow will receive a CAS (confirmation of acceptance of studies) when their offer of a place has been accepted.

The CAS is used to apply for the Student Visa for this programme of study. The CAS will include the expected start and end dates of the programme.

The length and conditions of a Student Visa will be based on the expected course dates and other information shown on the CAS. 

You are responsible for knowing the expiry date of your Student Visa

If you think you will need more time to complete your programme at UofG and you need to be on campus to continue your studies in-person, then you can check if you are eligible to extend your Student Visa.   

If you are eligible to extend your Student Visa in the UK, it is very important to: 

  • Allow plenty of time for a new CAS to be issued and apply for your visa application, and; 
  • Ensure you make your new visa application before your current visa expires. Applying even one day late is considered overstaying on your visa, and will result in suspension from studies as you will need to leave the UK immediately. 

I already have a Student Visa but it was for a previous programme of study

If you are planning to remain in the UK to make your next application, you must have successfully completed the previous programme of study. If you are planning to travel home in a vacation period between programmes and apply for the visa outside of the UK then successful completion is not required

I have been studying a pre-sessional English programme at the University of Glasgow

If you are starting a new course of study following successful completion of a previous course at the University of Glasgow you are permitted to use your existing University of Glasgow Visa to begin your new course. However, you must submit your Visa Extension Application within 6 weeks of commencing your new course, or before your existing visa expires, whichever is earlier. You must share evidence of your visa application (a document checklist) with the Immigration Compliance team: 

Upload Evidence of Pending Visa Extension Application 

If you were issued a joint CAS for both programmes and your current visa lasts until the end of your Masters programme, then you don’t need to take further action. 

I have a visa from Glasgow International College for my pre-masters or foundation year programme

If you are starting a new course of study following successful completion of a previous course at Glasgow International College you are permitted to use your existing Glasgow International College Visa to begin your new course. However, you must submit your new Visa Extension Application to UKVI within 6 weeks of commencing your new course, or before your existing visa expires, whichever is earlier. You must also share evidence of that pending visa extension application with the University. If you do not submit your extension application in time, you will have to leave the UK and this will have an impact on your studies.

Upload Evidence of Pending Visa Extension Application 


I have a Student Visa from another UK institution which is still valid at the start of my studies at the University of Glasgow

A Student Visa is only valid for study at the institution that is sponsoring it. This means that you cannot use your current visa to start your programme at the University of Glasgow, even if it is still valid

To register onto your programme, you must submit your Visa Extension Application prior to commencing your course at the University Glasgow, and we will ask to see evidence of this visa application at Visa Registration. 

Upload Evidence of Pending Visa Extension Application 

My programme end date has changed and I need to extend my visa to continue my studies in the UK...

Granting a new CAS for a visa extension is at the discretion of the University and it is generally only granted where: 

  • You cannot complete your programme remotely 
  • You request your new CAS in good time – we recommend 4 months before your current visa expires, if applying in the UK, or 4 months before return to Glasgow if applying from outside the UK. 

I am an undergraduate/postgraduate taught student resitting exams only

If you move to Exams Only status more than 4 months before your existing visa end date, your visa sponsorship will be ended. You should apply for a Standard Visitor Visa to attend your exam resits or arrange for them to be sat overseas. 

I am a postgraduate taught student progressing to a project after successfully resitting exams

If you successfully pass resits and you are required to be in Glasgow to work on your dissertation or project then you may request a CAS to return to study. You can speak with your School to understand if this is an option.

If you are not required to be in Glasgow to complete your dissertation/project (ie it will be supervised and submitted remotely) then you will not be able to get a new CAS, and should expect to apply for a visitor visa for exam resits, or arrange to sit them remotely. 

I am an undergraduate student progressing to my next year of study after successfully resitting exams

Once you successfully pass resits, you may request a CAS to return to study.

Please note that for most undergraduate programmes (excluding Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry) there is an overall cap of 5 years' visa allowance to complete the programme. If you are concerned about this cap, you can contact the International Student Support team for advice.

I am an undergraduate/postgraduate taught student resitting full academic year(s)

If you are resitting the full academic year, you can request a CAS to cover your new period of study. 

Please note that for most undergraduate programmes (excluding Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry) there is an overall cap of 5 years' visa allowance to complete the programme. If you are concerned about this cap, you can contact the International Student Support team for advice.

I am a postgraduate researcher/PhD student and my viva or corrections will be after the end date of my current visa

If your viva or corrections are due after your current visa end date, you may request a new CAS.

Your new CAS end date will be your next submission date, whether that is viva or corrections.

Your new visa end date would then be 4 months after that date, because you get a 4 month ‘wrap up’ period after a period of study which is more than 12 months in total. 

I wish to return after a suspension of study

If you are returning to study after a break of more than 60 days, then the University will have ended sponsorship on your previous visa. You can request a CAS to cover your new period of study.