Electronic Visas (eVisas) and Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs)
What is an eVisa?
The UK Government is moving to digital eVisas by the end of 2024. If you have a BRP with an expiry date of 31/12/2024, but your permission to stay in the UK is longer than this, you must register for an eVisa before the expiry date on your BRP. This will allow you to prove your status in the UK to us, and also to employers and for travelling to the UK.
For more information on eVisas, including how to register, please see:
Sharing your eVisa status with us
After you have registered for your eVisa, you will be able to generate a share code that we can use to check and record your visa status.
How to give us your share code
- View your Visa status and get a Share Code. If you are asked for the reason for providing the share code, select Something Else or Another reason. Your share code should begin with the letter S and have 9 characters.
- Submit your Share Code to us using our form ('Immigration Status - Share code"). This form is in the UofG Helpdesk and you may need to log into it first. Please don't provide share codes to us by email.
- You should receive a notification that your request has been fulfilled within 48 hrs. This means we have successfully checked your status and updated your student record. If there is an issue with your share code or we need further information, we will contact you.
Trouble with the links above? Navigate to: https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/it/helpdesk/ > Self Service > Request or Report Something > Search "Immigration Status - Share Code" to locate the form.

What is a BRP?
Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs)
BRPs are cards showing a person's UK visa status. Since the end of 2024, BRPs are no longer issued and have been replaced by eVisas.
If you still have your old BRP, the UK govenment advises that you can keep it for your own records and there is no need to destroy or return it. It is also advisable to carry it when travelling into the UK just in case there is any issue with your eVisa at the airport.
Important Information
If your eVisa has a mistake on it...
You should report this to UKVI using their webpage. After your eVisa has been corrected, please let us know by providing a new share code on the UofG Helpdesk. There are some errors that we are required to report to UKVI directly. If we notice an error on your eVisa, we will report it to UKVI and let you know.
If your BRP expiry date is 31 December 2024, but your total Visa permission is longer than this...
The UK government is changing from BRPs to eVisas. You must register for an eVisa if you haven't already. Please see the top of this webpage.
If you have tried to register for an eVisa, but it is not ready to view yet...
We understand that there have been some technical issues. If you are concerned that you haven't recieved your eVisa yet and you need to travel in late 2024 or early 2025, you should still be able to use your expired BRP. Please see here for more informaiton. You can also see the International Student Support Team's webpages for advice.