Welcome, World Changer!
We're so glad you're here. Before you become an official University of Glasgow student, you must now complete Registration.
You must re-register through MyCampus every academic year, before the start of your programme of study. You will receive details of how to log into MyCampus to your email inbox.
All students, new or returning, must complete both Academic and Financial Registration. Once you are academically registered, you can enrol on courses and classes.
If you are a part-time student, we strongly advise you to complete your enrolment before you complete your financial registration. If you add courses to your academic schedule after completing the financial registration, your fees will be recalculated. It is your responsibility to make sure your fee payment plan is adjusted to cover the fees due.
International students must also attend Visa Registration after arriving in the United Kingdom.
Registration Opening Dates: 2025
New Students: From 2nd December
Continuing Students: From 2nd December
Postgraduate Taught: From 2nd December
Postgraduate Research: From 2nd December
Start Your Registration Process
Which best describes you?
→ I am a new home student (UK-based)
→ I am a new international student
→ I am a returning home student (UK-based)
Access to Registration
Registration is available for eligible students on a phased basis. Once access is granted, and around one month prior to your course start date, you will receive an email containing instructions on how to register through MyCampus.
Eligible students will have:
→ Met all conditions of the offer
→ Formally accepted the offer
→ Met the requirements for progression into the next year of study
To check if you are eligible to register, view your Academic Standing in MyCampus Student Center.
If you have debt remaining on your account, you will not be able to register until it is cleared.