About #UofGEngage

The #UofGEngage Forum is a values-led virtual and physical platform for staff and partners interested in public and community engagement to come together, share ideas, network and build a community.

The Forum is a cross-university, cross-sectoral initiative. We welcome all disciplines, career stages, job families and partners in a collaborative, creative and career-enhancing environment. From our podcast and blog to live events, there are many ways to get involved.

Forum objectives

The objective of the #UofGEngage Forum is to inspire, nurture and support meaningful engagement and collaboration within the university and with our many partners. We support:

1. Collaboration – enabling networking and collaboration across Colleges, disciplines, job families and beyond the university
2. Creativity – giving visibility to inspiring work to inspire others, sharing ideas and actively engaging with the expertise, priorities and needs of our communities and partners
3. Careers – supporting skills sharing, developing and networking

These are the three priorities of the University of Glasgow Research Strategy. We also support the strategic priorities for Research Culture 2020-2025, the University Strategy and the Civic University Agreement, among other relevant engagement strategies.

Working group membership and structure

You can view the current membership of the Forum Working Group . The working group includes representation from across Colleges, central support teams and external partners. If you are interested in contributing to the Forum or joining the working group, please get in touch with Zara Gladman (zara.gladman@glasgow.ac.uk).

We're continually crowd-sourcing ideas for the forum format and themes. Share your thoughts (anonymously) on our Padlet.

#UofGEngage Working Group Membership

Alison Caldecott Public Engagement Officer, MVLS
Monique Campbell Community Engagement Officer, CoSS/GCPH
Bishakha Chaudhury Knowledge Exchange Associate, CoSS
Casi Dylan Cultural Activiites Coordinator, CoA
Zara Gladman Public & Community Engagement Advisor
Bhoomi Gor Research Impact Officer
Ana Miranda Knowledge Exchange Associate, CoSS
Fraser Rowan Knowledge Exchange & Impact Manager, CoA
Ken Skeldon Research Engagement Manager
Nicole Smith Lecturer in Information Studies/Digital Humanities
Cat Tabbner Glasgow Centre for Population Health
Kyle Taggart Research Impact Officer, CoSS

Our working group is open to people from all disciplines, career stages and job families, inside and outside of the university.

If you are interested in contributing to the Forum or joining the working group, please contact Zara Gladman or Monique Campbell