This is the University's specific guidance for Purchasing and Corporate Cards.
Purchasing Cards Application Process
How do I apply for a Purchasing card?
There are 2 processes:
- Internal form application – please complete the application form available on the Procurement webpage, have it approved/signed by your Head of School / Service and Head of Finance (if monthly limit over £5,000) and return the form to the Procurement Administrator.
- HSBC bank online process – once your internal application has been approved by the Head of Procurement, you will be invited via the HSBC portal to complete your online bank application
Please refer to the University and HSBC Privacy Statements, on the Procurement webpage.
Do I need to get approval for the purchases I make as a Purchasing Card holder?
Yes, Purchasing Cardholders must seek approval from the Budget holder prior to making any purchases on the P/Card. Please view the Purchasing Cards Policy, page 6.
Why is my home address required on the bank application form?
The banks guidelines indicate that for anti-money laundering, home address, date of birth and nationality are required to comply with the bank's legislation. For more information, please refer to the HSBC Privacy Statement.
Good Use of a Purchasing Card
What should I do before applying for a Purchasing Card?
Read and clearly understand the Purchasing Card Policy.
How do I know when not to use my purchasing card?
Please refer to the Purchasing Card Policy, section 8.
What are my responsibilities as a Purchasing Card holder?
Please refer to the Purchasing Cards Policy, section 9.
Can I use my Purchasing Card to book business travel?
No, all University business travel requirement are to be booked through the University travel provider, who is Selective Travel Management. In the event that Selective Travel Management cannot provide a solution to your travel requirement, please contact the Procurement team, who will provide guidance and support.
Can I use my Purchasing Card to pay for staff entertainment?
No. Please refer to the Expence Procedure page, section 26 Employee Entertainment.
Can I use my Purchasing Card even if the supplier is on Agresso?
No, Purchasing Card holders must NOT use their Purchase Card for purchases when the Supplier is registered and active on Agresso.
Can a colleague use my Purchasing Card?
No. Only the named person on the Purchasing Card can use the card, it must not be borrowed or otherwise passed to anyone else for any reason whatsoever.
Can I use my Purchasing Card on EBay and with PayPal?
It is not permitted to open an EBay account or a PayPal account with a University Purchasing Card.
Can I use my Purchasing Card to purchase items on Amazon?
Yes, for example to purchase journals. You must set up a Business Account on Amazon.
Can I use my Purchasing Card for catering/hospitality?
No, those merchants are blocked on your card. Purchasing cards cannot be sued for restaurants, hospitality or entertainment expenditure in any circumstances.
Can I use my Purchasing Card to pay for Airbnb accommodation?
Airbnb is strictly prohibited by the University, and therefore payment for an Airbnb accommodation is not permitted using a purchasing card.
Why am I not able to use my card with some merchants?
This is because the University has made the decision to block certain merchants, such as bars and restaurants, as the purchase would go against policy.
Why do I need to receive an authentication code for some transactions?
Under PSD2 regulatory changes, the bank needs to make transaction and system more secure. The Payment Services Directive (PSD2) is a new European payment legislation designed to make online payments more secure and, importantly, more difficult for fraudsters to access your details, and can be viewed here: Payment Services Directive II (PSD2) | Global Commercial Banking HSBC.
What should I do if I accidentally use my Purchasing Card for personal use?
In accordance with the Purchasing Cards Policies, personal transactions are not permitted with your Purchasing card. Any personal items inadvertently purchased using your Purchasing card will be recovered with the full amount and any related fees will be deducted from your salary on the next available pay run.
If a personal transaction is made in error, please refer to your Line manager and Procurement and/or Payroll for further guidance on how to code this within HSBC MiVision Portal.
I will be on secondment for a few months and will not need to use my Purchasing Card, should I let anybody know?
Yes, please advise the Procurement administrator (Marylise.Tate@glasgow.ac.uk) who will put a temporary lock on your card. You will advise when you need to use your card again in order to be unlocked. This also applies to maternity leave.
HSBC MiVision Portal
What is the HSBC MiVision portal?
The HSBC MiVision Premium Portal is an online service which allows staff to view their current/available balance, credit limits and access HSBC customer service details. It is where staff should go to code their transactions and upload receipts for credit card transactions.
How do I register on the HSBC MiVision portal?
HSBC Registration Process Guide
Register in the HSBC MiVision Portal as per training, to provide information relating to the purchase (e.g. attaching receipts) and accurately code expenditure.
Please note that your contact details (mobile number/home address) must be kept up to date in People XD/CORE.
Do I still need to reconcile my RBS statements during the transition period?
Yes, completion on all RBS bank statements must be reconciled.
How are my personal details used by the bank and the University?
Please check the Purchasing and Corporate Cards Privacy Notice on the Procurement webpage under the Procurement Team tile: https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/procurementoffice.
What is the deadline to reconcile my HSBC Purchasing Card?
The process has changed as of April 1st 2023. You are expected to code your transactions on a regular basis. Please make sure all transactions are coded before the first working day of every month.
What do I do if a code already exists in Agresso, but not in the HSBC MiVision Portal?
Request Procurement admin to create a new expense category in the HSBC portal.
What do I do if a code does not exist in Agresso or in the HSBC MiVision Portal?
Request Financial accounts to create a new expense category not found in portal.
Do I need to use the HSBC app to use my Purchasing card?
No, the app is not a mandatory requirement for use whilst using a Purchasing card. Please note that this app is a sepereate service to the online HSBC MiVision portal.
Do I need a smart phone to download the HSBC app?
How do I obtain my HSBC bank statement?
From the 1st April you can download your statement from the HSBC MiVision premium portal. For further information on how to download statement, please refer to the HSBC MiVision premium User Guides. You can find this by selecting the arrow in the top right hand corner, and selecting 'MiVision Premium Card Holder & Supervisor Guide'.
How do I upload receipts to my HSBC MiVision Portal?
Send your receipt to receipts.ugg@inlogik.com from your University of Glasgow email address, ensuring that you delete all headers and footers from the email.
Alternatively you can save your receipt to your device and attach them to your transaction from the HSBC MiVision Portal.
I've emailed my receipts to receipts.ugg@inlogik.com however they are not appearing in my unattached files to attach when coding transactions?
There can be a short delay in the attachments becoming available once your email has been sent. Ensure you have removed any email signature and that you have sent the email from your University of Glasgow email address. Emails sent from another email address will not be associated with your profile. You may also need to log out and log back in again for them to be available.
Tip: We recommend emailing in your receipts as and when you have them, and ahead of sitting down to code your transactions so they are ready for you.
I’ve lost/misplaced my receipt, what should I do?
Please download a Declaration Form from HSBC MiVision and complete advising the reason you do not have a receipt. This can then be attached to your transaction just as you would attach a receipt.
Transaction Coding
What if I cannot find the expense type or account code that I want to code a transaction to?
Firstly check Agresso if the account code already exist. If the code exists, then send a request to the Procurement Admin team providing the Code number and name that is held in Agresso who will then add into the MiVision portal
If the code does not exist, a new account code must be requested from the Financial Accounts Team. Once created, you will then need to advise the Procurement Admin team providing the Code number and name that is held in Agresso who will then add into the MiVision portal.
How do I write the description and purpose when coding a transaction?
- Description: in this field cardholders should provide a brief description on what has been purchased, for example Pcard “10 widgets” or Ccard “dinner at hotel”
- Purpose: this should provide more detail as to the reason for the purchase, for example “required for project XYZ on DD/MM/YYYY ” or “whilst at XYZ conference / business trip DD/MM/YYYY”
There is a transaction back in my outstanding tasks that I have already coded, why is this?
Your line manager/approver is querying this transaction and has rejected it, requiring further information. Your line manager/approver may have included a note advising why they have queried the transaction. Please provide further information/correct the error and resubmit for approval.
I cannot find the correct sub-project code for my transaction?
On a daily basis all open sub projects are fed into the MiVision portal from Agresso. Firstly check the sub project provided to make the purchase is correct . If so, then please contact research finance or college finance on next steps.
There is a transaction in my credit card that I can’t reconciled due a tax code AS2 that it was applied automatically by the system, and I can’t change or remove this code. What should I do and how can I update the tax code?
This is known as a level 3 transaction. Level 3 transaction can be spotted by its colour (yellow). Some suppliers (merchants) provide this level of information in their purchase transactions, and they are automatically matched with the tax code for the amount of tax provided by the merchant. There is no need to make adjustment to these level 3 transactions as this is for information purposes, and therefore the system will not allow you to edit or add lines or update the tax code. Please ensure that you code this level 3 transaction with the same information as the main transaction line.
Level 3 Transaction Coding
There is a transaction in my credit card that I can’t reconciled due a tax code AS2 that it was applied automatically by the system, and I can’t change or remove this code. What should I do and how can I update the tax code?
This is known as a level 3 transaction. Level 3 transaction can be spotted by its colour (yellow). Some suppliers (merchants) provide this level of information in their purchase transactions, and they are automatically matched with the tax code for the amount of tax provided by the merchant. There is no need to make adjustment to these level 3 transactions as this is for information purposes, and therefore the system will not allow you to edit or add lines or update the tax code. Please ensure that you code this level 3 transaction with the same information as the main transaction line.
Please consult the guidance below before coding your transactions to ensure to use the correct VAT code.
Guidance for Sub-companies
GU Heritage card holders
You will receive a card but will not use the HSBC MiVision Portal. Please follow your current processes.
UofG Singapore card holders
Please follow current processes and guidance for your Campus.
Kelvin Nanotechnology card holders
You will receive a card but will not use the HSBC MiVision Portal. Please follow your current processes.
UofG Commercial
All goods and services costs should go through Commercial services as part of University Services, so will follow the standard process.
Merchant codes blocked
The following codes are blocked from use on a Purchasing Card:
10 - Staff Temporary Recruitment
13 - Personal Services
26 - Automotive Fuel
30 - Restaurants and Bars
34 - Cash
The following code is blocked from use on a Corporate Card:
34 – Cash