Finding a GP/Medical Practice

You should register with a local doctor (within the postcode area of your residential address) who will be responsible for your medical care whilst in Glasgow. 

Please note: you may have difficulty getting medical attention if you are not registered.

Find a GP:

How to find a GP -

GP practices | NHS Inform


The University also has a Medical Practice on campus:

Barclay Medical Practice University - GP Practice in Glasgow


Registering with a GP Practice:

Registering with a GP practice | NHS inform

Dental Care

Find a local Dentist:

Dental services | NHS Inform


Register with a Dentist:

Register with an NHS dentist -


Understanding Dental Treatment in Scotland:

Dental treatment | NHS inform

NHS dental treatment - Citizens Advice


Dental Health Advice:

Dental health | NHS inform

Health & Wellbeing Support for Staff

Wellbeing at work is about feeling balanced, respected, trusted, and supported. We want to work together to build a community that is values-led with people at its centre. We aim to create an excellent working experience for all colleagues by embedding wellbeing as an integral part of what we do.

Through our Health & Wellbeing Hub, University staff can access a range of support and resources including our Employee Assistance Programme and Occupational Health.

Health & Wellbeing Hub (access for UofG staff only)