The Interfaith Chaplaincy
The University of Glasgow is well served with places for worship, prayer and reflection. You can find these on the Campus Map, including the University Memorial Chapel, the University Interfaith Room, the Veterinary School quiet room, the Turnbull Hall (which serves as the Roman Catholic Chaplaincy), and the Seminar Rooms at the Dental School.
The Chaplaincy provides spiritual support and facilities for students and staff of all faiths and none. Chaplains/Advisers have been appointed from the Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, Humanist and Hindu faith communities. They are members of the Scottish Interfaith Council or members of Action Together of Churches in Scotland.
The University Memorial Chapel is a sacred space, open to all for prayer and times of reflection. There is a variety of services and events available, including a ten-minute service conducted by staff and students each day at 8:45am during semesters.
For further information, including a list of places of worship for various religious denominations, please refer to the Chaplaincy web pages.
Other Useful Links
- Equality and Diversity Unit
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Religion and Belief
- Interfaith Chaplaincy Faith and belief guide (PDF)
We also have a list of Places of worship in Glasgow for a variety of Religions including Buddhist, Christian, Catholic, Sikh, Muslim and more.