Doctors & Dentists on Clinical Specialist Training
The junior doctors employed by the University as Lecturers normally work in the University as Academics whilst completing up to 6 years of higher specialist training with the NHS under their honorary NHS contracts as specialty trainees (StRs). Although there are exceptions, normally 80% of the week is spent on clinical work at this stage with only 20% of the week available for academic work, normally teaching and research.
In some cases up to two years is spent ‘out of training’ as a Clinical Research Fellow, giving the clinician the opportunity both to contribute to clinical research and to enhance his/her academic training. The SCREDS system explained below provides an integrated training and career development pathway enabling clinicians to pursue concurrently or sequentially academic and clinical training within the NHS. It facilitates both the attainment of a senior clinical academic appointment and the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training, CCT. On the invitation of the Board for Academic Medicine in Scotland, the Scheme is operated by the universities in partnership with NHS Education for Scotland. Across the five Scottish universities there are more than 200 doctors who hold appointments within SCREDS.
This section also shows the salary scales and assessment system in place for doctors on higher specialist training and provides a link to the Gold Guide to clinical training.
- Honorary Specialty Registrars Annual Review of Competence Progression
- Salary Scales
- (PDF)
- NHS Gold Guide: A Guide to Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK (PDF)
- Dental School
- School of Medicine
- Research Passport
- Revalidation for NHS Clinical Staff (links to MVLS HR)