Essential and Mandatory Training for Colleagues
At the University of Glasgow we take pride in fostering a culture of continuous learning and development and recognise that prioritising our safety, wellbeing and shared university culture is paramount. To ensure that all colleagues are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary in these critical areas we have curated a list of mandatory and essential training modules.
Please be reminded that these courses are not optional; they are a fundamental part of our commitment to the safety, wellbeing and cultural integrity of our university. Failure to complete required courses by the designated deadline will result in your access to the university IT system being temporarily revoked until the required training has been successfully undertaken. New colleagues will be unable to complete their probationary period without completing all essential and mandatory training.
For All Colleagues:

Introductory Fire Safety Training
Introductory Fire Safety Training
Colleagues will complete this training when they join the University and are required to repeat every three years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 40mins

Introduction to Safety at the University of Glasgow
Introduction to Safety at the University of Glasgow
Colleagues will complete this training when they join the University.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 25mins

Introduction to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Introduction to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Colleagues will complete this training when they join the University and are required to repeat every two years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 60mins

Information Security Awareness
Information Security Awareness
Colleagues will complete this training when they join the University and are required to repeat every year.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 40mins

Diversity in the Workplace
Colleagues will complete this training when they join the University and are required to repeat every three years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 90mins

Code of Professional Conduct
Colleagues will complete this training when they join the University and are required to repeat every three years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 10-15mins

Let's Talk about Race in the Workplace
Let's Talk about Race in the Workplace
Colleagues will complete this training when they join the University and are required to repeat every three years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 30mins

Working Safely with Computers & Display Screen Equipment
Working Safely with Computers & Display Screen Equipment
Colleagues will complete this training when they join the University. It is recommended to re-assess when changing a long term workstation.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 30mins
For Line Managers, Supervisors and/or Recruiters:

Implementing Reasonable Adjustments (for line managers)
Implementing Reasonable Adjustments (for line managers)
New line managers will complete this training when starting their line management role and are required to repeat every three years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 45mins

Recruitment and Selection
Recruitment and Selection Moodle Course
Colleagues will be required to complete the online moodle training prior to participating in the in-person Recruitment and Selection training course. The online moodle course is required to be repeated every three years. Please note the in-person element of the training DOES NOT require to be repeated.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 20mins

Unconscious Bias in HE
Colleagues will be required to complete this training prior to participating in the in-person Recruitment and Selection training course and are required to repeat every three years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 60mins

The Fundamentals of Postgraduate Supervision
The Fundamentals of Postgraduate Supervision
All postgraduate research supervisors will complete this online course when starting their supervison role and are required to repeat every five years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 60mins
For Research; Learning, Teaching & Scholarship; Research Professional Services; and Research related Technicians & Specialist colleagues

Staff Research Integrity
Colleagues in relevant academic and research roles will complete this training when starting in their role at UofG and are required to repeat every three years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 150mins
For colleagues in student facing roles:

Implementing Reasonable Adjustments (for students)
Implementing Reasonable Adjustments (for students)
Colleagues in relevant student facing roles will complete this training when starting in their role at UofG and are required to repeat every three years.
Estimated minimum time to complete: 50mins