Flexible Working - Frequently Asked Questions
How long does the flexible working request process take?
Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:16
The application process should take no more than 2 months from submission of formal request to conclusion, however most cases can be concluded promptly.
Can I appeal my flexible working request outcome?
Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:30
Employees may appeal against the outcome of the formal process within 10 working days of it being notified to them. The grounds for the appeal should be put in writing via the online system (in the MyItems section). Once submitted the local People & OD team will receive a request to schedule the Appeal Meeting.
What type of flexible working arrangements can I request?
Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:33
Flexible working is not restricted to reducing hours or working part-time but instead covers a range of potential arrangements which give a degree of flexibility around the working pattern, location and/or the number of hours an individual works.
Common flexible working arrangements can include:
flexible hours
part-time hours
compressed hours
job sharing
Full example guidance can with details on various forms of flexible working arrangements can be found
If I appeal the decision and it is not granted, do I have any further recourse?
Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:33
The appeal is the final stage of the policy. Once the appeal has been heard the Appeal Manager will consider all points reaised and provide a final outcome. The decision of the Appeal Manager is final and there is no further stage of appeal.
What are the eligibility requirements for flexible working?
Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:33
The Flexible Working Policy applies to all employees from the first day of employment and no minimum length of service is required.
How do I apply for a flexible working arrangement?
Last updated: Thu Jan 30 12:40
Employees considering any form of flexible working should discuss their initial thoughts with their line manager to explore how flexible working may work within their role. Depending on the nature of the flexible working request an informal or formal request is required. Informal requests are those that do not require a change of terms and conditions and are not long-term/permenant arrangements.
Informal Requests
These can be agreed locally and managers should confirm the nature of the agreement via email. Where an informal request is not accepted, employees may consider advancing to a formal request.
Formal Requests
Requests for flexible working arrangements which will require a change to terms and conditions (such as the number of hours or days worked) - or where any other request could not be approved through earlier discussions - should be made on the via the online form within the University Helpdesk. This allows for more information to be provided and supports wider discussion on the proposed working arrangements. Once the form has been submitted, the manager named within the form will be notified by email.
Am I entitled to apply for flexible working following my return from Maternity Leave?
Last updated: Thu Jan 30 12:38
An employee returning to work from a period of Maternity Leave will generally return to the job in which they were employed prior to the leave, on the terms and conditions that would have applied had they not been absent.
The Flexible Working policy supports healthy work-life balance of all employees and staff returning from parental leave may utilise this propose flexible working arrangements. If you are considering a flexible working request on return from Maternity Leave please initiate discussion with your line manager at the earliest opportunity to fully consider the request.
The application process can be found in section 5 of our flexible working policy Flexible Working Policy
My flexible working request has been approved, what happens now?
Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:33
Following approval of an informal flexible working request your line manager will confirm by email. Where a formal request has been approved, managers should update the system, which will in turn notify their local People and Organisational Development team who will confirm the decision in writing (as well as outlining any relevant contractual changes) and update your record within the HR / Payroll system accordingly.