Frequently Asked Questions

How do I unlock my adjustment record to make further edits?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:34

You can contact your local People and OD team via the Helpdesk and request it is unlocked.

To do this log in at then search for "Help from People and OD" in the service catalogue or search button, and then choose the category Equality & Diversity, and the subcategory Disability Equality.  This will then be passed to the relevant People and OD team who can unlock the adjustment record for you.

What happens after my adjustment record is signed off as complete?

Last updated: Thu Mar 21 11:56

After the line manager and the colleague have agreed on a course of action and signed off the record, confirmation of the review date they have set will appear on the screen along with some details of the conversation.

An e-mail is also sent to both the colleague and the line manager with the content for their reference.

The record becomes Read-Only at this stage until one week prior to the review date agreed, at which point it will be come editable and both the colleague and the line manager will receive an e-mail reminder to review the adjustments again.

If the record needs to be unlocked at any point this can be done by contacting the relevant local People and OD team.

The record remains accessible to both the colleague and the line manager at all times via the ‘My Items’ tab.

I am a line manager and I have received a notification of an adjustment conversation, what do I do?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:35

You should arrange a meeting as soon as possible to discuss this further and to consider any workplace adjustments as appropriate. It is important that any required adjustments are implemented as soon as possible after being agreed and therefore early dialogue is valuable in progressing this. 

A range of guidance is available to support with this in the Support for Disabled and Neurodivergent Colleagues Toolkit and within the guidance on considering adjustments in particular. Further information on the support available is highlighted in the Managing the Adjustment Conversation guide.

What is a reasonable adjustment?

Last updated: Wed Mar 20 8:43

A ‘reasonable adjustment’ is a change to remove, reduce or prevent the obstacles a disabled worker or job applicant faces. 

Reasonable adjustments can be made to: 

  1. the workplace 

  2. the way things are done 

  3. get someone to help the employee in work 

The Equality Act 2010 places a legal obligation on employers to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to make sure disabled employees are not substantially disadvantaged when carrying out their roles, however It is good practice to consider making adjustments which remove or overcome barriers to work in any case. 

Adjustments should be discussed

between the colleague and their line manager and should be done on a constructive and supportive basis. The University’s Support for Disabled & Neurodivergent Colleagues hub contains guidance on Discussing Adjustments and Support.

Can I discuss reasonable adjustments without updating my disability information?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:34

Yes, you can request an adjustment conversation in People XD self service without updating your disability information. 

You should log into People XD (formally CoreHR), select My Profile by clicking on your photo, then choose the Disability tab from within the Diversity section. You should then check the box and click Save to begin the process. 

Further guidance is available in the portal.

The decision to inform the university of a disability is entirely voluntary, however it does help to create an optimal work environment therefore the university is committed to creating an environment in which colleagues feel confident to disclose any disability.

Notifying the University of a disability is particularly important if adjustments may be required to minimise or overcome any barriers at work. Early disclosure is recommended to support constructive dialogue and exploration of support which might be available and to ensure any identified adjustments are implemented as quickly as possible.

Furthermore, notifying a disability (or updating any other diversity information colleague records – see below) helps the University to monitor, evaluate and improve our colleague experience and to better assess the impact of our policies and processes on different groups.

How do I update my disability information?

Last updated: Wed Mar 20 8:41

Colleagues can update their disability information via the HR Payroll system (PeopleXD). Find specific guidance on 'Updating your Diversity Details' within the Systems Guidance section of the

Support for Disabled & Neurodivergent Colleagues 


What is the Reasonable Adjustments Passport?

Last updated: Wed Mar 20 8:43

The Reasonable Adjustments Passport

(downloaded if you click the link) is an optional form which can be used either on its own or in support of wider discussions as per the University’s Guidance on Considering Adjustments. 

It can be used in a number of ways – to record adjustments already discussed and in place; to facilitate discussion about what adjustments might be possible; or to review and make changes to agreed adjustments. 

Colleagues may save/upload their passport to their record on HR self-service (People XD) and/or they can share it with anyone they deem appropriate to aid conversation about their adjustments. 

Who has access to my adjustment record?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:34

Only the direct line manager and the colleague can see the adjustment record once created. 

Further information is available in the privacy notice.

I want to apply for an internal vacancy & have a disability which I have not declared. What do I do?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:33

Any disability disclosure forms part of your job application; under the guaranteed interview part of the Disability Confident Scheme, it is completely separate to any disability declaration to the University for your current role. 

However, we would encourage you to officially disclose your disability, so the University, and your current line manager, can fully support you in your current role, should your application for this new role not be successful.

To declare your disability update your profile with PeopleXD (HR Payroll System) via the 

My Profile section, then by clicking on the Diversity tab and completing the Disability questions. ‌

You may also wish to review the University's Support for Disabled and Neurodivergent Colleagues portal to see what support is available to you.  

Is the University a member or signatory to any disability equality employment charter?

Last updated: Fri Mar 22 8:33

Yes, the University is a Disability Confident Employer, which is a UK Government accredited scheme. 

How do I refer to Access to Work?

Last updated: Wed Mar 20 8:43

Whilst an approach to Access to Work may be discussed in advance with a line manager and the University will support any referral, Access to Work referrals/applications are self-led by the individual. 

Further information on eligibility and how to refer/apply is available directly on the Access to Work webpages. 

I have a disability equality issue that I want to raise but I want to remain anonymous What do I do?

Last updated: Wed Mar 20 8:43

The University has a number of routes to raise an issue.  You can contact the staff representatives on the University's Disability Equality Group who can raise the issue, anonymously, on your behalf at the next available meeting or if the matter is urgent, they can take it forward on your behalf with the Equality and Diversity Unit.  Review the current

 Disability Equality Group



‌You can also raise the issue directly with the


Disability Equality Champion

 via the dedicated email address

  If you wish to remain anonymous they will respect your wishes.

You can also report the situation (anonymously if you prefer) by using the Staff Reporting Form.

What is Access to Work?

Last updated: Thu Mar 21 11:58

Access to Work is a publicly funded employment support programme that aims to help disabled people start or stay in work.

Contact with Access to Work is via a self-referral by a staff member or prospective staff member. It can provide practical and financial support if an individual has a disability (i.e. a long-term physical, mental, cognitive or developmental condition). 


An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help individuals: 

  • start working 

  • stay in work 

Access to Work can also give practical advice and guidance to the University, to help support discussions around support and adjustments. Access to Work should always ask for permission from individuals before they share information with the University.

Access to Work applications/referrals are done via a self-referral by a staff member or prospective staff member themselves.

The University may be responsible for some of the costs of any support recommended by Access to Work

, however this should never deter individuals from applying/referring.  


Further information is available on our University webpage and directly on the Government's Access to Work webpages.