Alcohol, Drug and Substance Misuse - Frequently Asked Questions
Is alcohol consumption allowed at social events during working hours?
Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:36
The consumption of alcohol during work-related social events, e.g. retirement presentations, etc., is permitted, on the basis that there should always be an equal availability of non-alcoholic drinks, and where possible these events should be held toward the end of the 'normal' working day. Members of staff who are required to attend work following such events must ensure that they return to work free from the effects of alcohol. Staff should be aware that they are representing the University and behave in a responsible manner.
What type of work related issues should I be looking out for from an employee?
Last updated: Tue Jan 7 16:36
(i) Absenteeism: instances of unauthorised leave, frequent Friday and/or Monday absences, leaving work early, lateness (especially returning from lunch), excessive sickness absence, unusually high level of short-term and intermittent absences with, or without, explanation; (ii) High accident level: at work, elsewhere, driving or at home; (iii) Work performance: difficulty in concentration, work requires increased effort, individual tasks take more time, problems with remembering instructions or own mistakes; (iv) Mood swings: irritability, depression, and general confusion;
(v) Appearance: deterioration in physical appearance and/or wellbeing.
A member of staff is intoxicated during working hours, what should I do?
Last updated: Mon Mar 18 8:36
If a member of staff is known to be, or strongly suspected of being intoxicated by alcohol during working hours, the Line Manager should consult with the territorial People & OD Manager, where possible.
Arrangements will be made for the member of staff to be immediately escorted from the University's premises, and if deemed necessary arrangements will be made for the member of staff to be taken home.
My manager is referring me to Occupation Health because they feel I have an alcohol, drugs or substa
Last updated: Tue Jan 7 16:36
It is important that managers take steps to support and manage colleagues therefore the reasons for any referral should be discussed and explained and consent should be discussed as part of this process. Refusal without good reason can make it difficult for a manager to provide support in the circumstances and it may be appropriate to seek further support from People & Organisational Development.
What are my options if I feel I have a problem and need support?
Last updated: Tue Jan 7 16:35
Where a member of staff recognises that they may have a dependency problem, provision can be made for a confidential referral from their line manager to Occupational Health for advice and support.
I think my colleague has an alcohol, drugs or substance abuse problem, what should I do?
Last updated: Tue Jan 7 16:36
How is Alcohol, drugs and substance abuse defined?
Last updated: Tue Jan 7 16:35
Alcohol, drugs and substance abuse is defined as "the intermittent or continual use of alcohol or substances which causes detriment to the member of staff's health, social functioning or work performance, and which affects efficiency, productivity, safety, attendance, timekeeping or conduct in the workplace".
Drugs and substances are defined as illegal drugs, prescribed and non-prescribed medication, and solvents. Substances covered are those that come under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.
My colleague is taking drugs during working hours, what should I do?
Last updated: Tue Jan 7 16:36
If you encounter anyone taking drugs on campus you should inform your Line Manager and/or HR immediately.