Inclement/ Adverse Weather - Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I am unable to make it to work due to adverse weather?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:27

If you are unable to attend work due to adverse weather you should notify your line manager (or other appropriate person within your department) as early as posible to let them know about your situation. If you do not have access to do so before 9.30am, for example you have set out to work but cannot get in, then please make contact as soon as you can.

If I cannot make it to work, will I be paid?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:14

If staff are unable to get to work and are unable to work from home, paid leave can be used. Alternatively staff may opt for unpaid leave. If staff have childcare commitments due to the closure of schools/nurseries then they University's policy on emergency time off to care for dependants may apply to relevant staff. 

In some cases staff may be able to make up the working hours lost due to adverse weather as soon as practicable on resumption of normal conditions. This will be a matter for local management to agree and organise.

Can I work from home during adverse weather?

Last updated: Tue Mar 19 9:16

Where severe weather is predicted, staff who can work from home should discuss such arrangements with their line manager and make contingency plans. Where severe weather has occurred without warning, staff who are able to establish alternative working arrangement, such as working from home, should do so. 

Where work cannot be done at home, for example essential roles, then staff must make every reasonable effort to get to work. All staff should ensure that they are prepared as they reasonably can be for such conditions (e.g. equipment in the car, appropriate footwear etc.).