Questions and Answers regarding June salary

1. I was on leave last week; can you explain what happened?

There was an issue with the University’s bank that meant the normal payment run that was due to be processed and paid into bank accounts on Friday June 28th, 2024, was delayed until Monday July 1st, 2024. To prevent any further inconvenience to colleagues, the University made a duplicate payment on Friday June 28th, 2024. This meant that all colleagues were paid twice for the month of June.

As a result of this overpayment, the University is now asking that you re-pay the second payment received, ideally by July 5th.


2. What account details and reference should I use to repay?

You should make a payment to

Organisation: University of Glasgow

Sort Code: 40-22-47

Account Number: 11657070

Reference: your staff number & your surname

It is extremely important that, when re-paying, you include your staff number and surname to ensure proper identification of your payment. If you think that you maay have already submitted a repayment and not included your staff number and surname please contact 

Staff number is not the same as your GUID it is the six digit identifier on your staff card and payslip.


3. How will I know that the University has received my repayment

The University will send an email confirmation within 5 working days to colleagues who have repaid their additional payment. If you do not receive confirmation within this period it is possible that we have been unable to identify you as the payee and you should contact  


4. What happens if I do not re-pay the additional payment?

Everyone is strongly advised to make a repayment by the July 5th. If, for whatever reason, this proves impossible then the additional payment will be deducted from your July salary. If there is insufficient net pay in July to allow for the full repayment, then the balance will be carried forward to subsequent salary payments.


5. When trying to re-pay, my bank has suggested this may be a scam.

This is not a scam however the banking app may think it is a scam due to the value being processed. It may be that your bank will therefore allow you to re-pay the total payment amount in a series of smaller values.


6. My bank limits my transactions to £2,000

If you are affected by bank transaction limits then you can make more than one payment to the University so long as the total equals the amount of the additional payment.


7. Both my partner and I work at the University, how do I return the overpayment?

You should make a separate payment for each of the additional payments received. The different reference on each will identify who the payment refers to.


8. I am worried about how all this will affect my income tax, National Insurance and pension year-to-date position.

There will be no impact on your income tax, National Insurance and pension position if you re-pay the additional payment to the University, or, allow a deduction to be made from pay. The additional payment received is a net payment only and, as such, is treated in a similar manner as an advance of salary.


9. I am leaving in July how am I affected?

Unless your leaving date is the July 31st then it is likely that there will be insufficient pay to allow the additional payment to be deducted therefore it is advisable that you make a repayment to the University to avoid further complications.


10. I am on maternity leave how am I affected?

This will be different for everyone on maternity leave depending on what stage of maternity leave you are on. All colleagues on maternity leave will be written to confirming their individual position, however, if you make a repayment by the 5th July there will be no impact on your future payments.


11. I am on long term sick leave how am I affected?

Similar to Q10, this will be different for everyone on sick leave depending on what stage of sick leave you are on. All colleagues on sick leave will be written to confirming their own position, however, if you make a repayment by the July 5th there will be no impact on your future payments.


12. I am a zero-hour worker and the hours I get paid for in July may be less than I received in June.

If your pay is variable from month-to-month, you should ensure that you make a repayment to the University by the July 5th rather than opt for a payroll deduction.


13. I am a foreign national and I have been advised that if I have more than a certain amount in my UK account it triggers a reporting obligation in my home country.

You should immediately re-pay the additional payment to the University to avoid this being triggered. If it is triggered, then the University will provide assistance in confirming to your home tax authority that this was an error, and that the additional payment should be offset against your repayment.

For US citizens (including dual nationals), the additional payment may have taken you over the $10,000 threshold for Foreign Bank Accounting Reporting. If so, you will need to file the FBR form as part of your US tax return by April 2025. More information about this requirement is available at


14. How will this impact on Universal Credit that I receive?

Like Q13 you should immediately re-pay the additional payment to the University to avoid any impact on state benefits. If, due to the timing of payments, there is an impact, the University will provide assistance in confirming to the DWP this was an error and that the additional payment should be offset against your repayment.


15. Will the university be able to provide some documentation confirming the situation that has occurred for colleagues who are trying to obtain mortgages or other loans and the irregular activity showing in their accounts?

For colleagues in this situation the University will provide documentation explaining the situation to potential lenders on a case-by-case basis. If colleagues require this then they should contact


16. I’m due a salary increase in July, what impact will this have?

There will be no impact on your July salary. If you make a repayment by the July 5th then your July salary will be unaffected. If you do not make a repayment, then your July salary will be reduced by the amount of the additional payment.


17. I’m out of the country at present and cannot access my online banking or app at present.

If you cannot make a repayment by the July 5th but still intend to make a repayment please contact by the July 10th to confirm arrangements, otherwise, a deduction will be made from your July salary.


18. Who should I contact if I have further questions?

If you have any further questions, please contact