REF Open Access Requirements
The UK REF team have published the open access policy for REF 2029.
Open access requirements will apply to journal articles and conference proceedings that have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) and were published between 01 January 2021 and 31 December 2028. The open access requirement includes items that do not require peer review. There are no open access requirements for other output types such as longform publications.
For articles and conference proceedings published from 1 January 2026 to 31 December 2028 there will be some stricter requirements:
- They must have an open access licence (creative commons or equivalent)
- New embargo limits will be:
- Panel A/B 6 months
- Panel C/D 12 months
If a paper spans the boundaries of panels the longer embargo may be respected.
Items published between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2025 will be subject to the open access requirements for REF2021. Longer embargoes apply to articles and conference items published by 31 December 2025.
Authors should continue to follow the established process and notify on acceptance of any articles or conference proceedings.
Please contact if you have any questions about the REF open access policy or would like a member of the team to speak to a group of staff in your school.
The policy can be found on the REF 2029 website.
Deposit requirements
For an article or formal conference proceeding to be eligible for the REF the following must apply:
- The output must be deposited in a repository (institutional, shared service or disciplinary). The University of Glasgow has a repository (Enlighten: Publications), and staff in the library will provide support in collating the relevant information.
- If you produced research outputs before coming to the University of Glasgow, we recommend you add any papers, books and reports to Enlighten. They will be considered for REF if they fit the criteria. They can also be publicised on your staff profile and other sites that use Enlighten, and be included in your annual review.
- If you deposit in a third-party repository, send the deposit information, including a link, to with confirmation that it is the author-accepted manuscript.
- Records will be retained in Enlighten for individuals who leave the University.
- The output must be deposited as soon as possible after acceptance and no later than three months after acceptance
- The output deposited should be the accepted version (following peer review). This may be the author-accepted manuscript (agreed text before publisher adds logos, etc.) or the publisher version depending on what the publisher will allow. Sherpa Romeo can give you a guide as to what the publisher allows, or you may check the journal policy. Library staff will be able to advise about individual journals if a policy is unclear.
- The accepted version may be replaced at a later date with the published version where this is permitted by the publisher
- Pre-prints (the version prior to peer review) are not acceptable. See Pre-print guidance for details.
Discovery requirements
- The deposited item should contain sufficient information about the content (metadata) to facilitate its discovery via search engines such as Google.
- Where an accepted version is augmented or replaced by a published version, the same metadata requirements will apply.
Access requirements
- The full text of outputs should be fully open, i.e., PDF security settings should enable searching of the text, reading and downloading.
- A minimum of a CC-BY-NC-ND licence is strongly recommended but not mandatory.
- However, UKRI/ Wellcome funded researchers will still need to use the CC-BY licence.
- Outputs deposited without a publisher embargo on access should meet all requirements as soon as possible and no later than one month after deposit.
- Outputs deposited with an embargo should meet all requirements as soon as possible and no later than one month after the embargo period expires.
- The embargo period starts from the point of publication (includes online publication).
Exceptions and Examples
A range of exceptions can be read in the full guidance on submissions (Clauses 252-255).
Examples include:
- The publication requires an embargo period that is longer than that required, but is the most appropriate journal for the researcher.
- The publication does not permit any form of open access but is the most appropriate journal for the paper.
- The individual whose output is being submitted to the REF experienced a delay in securing the final peer reviewed text (for instance where the author has requested a copy from co-authors but this has not been provided).
Some author judgement will be accepted where no suitable open access option is allowed and the journal is deemed (by the author) to be the most suitable publication.
Although text mining is not essential note that credit may be given in the research environment assessment for the ability to text mine and for promoting open access.