Glasgow Open Journals
Welcome to Glasgow Open Journals, a service provided by the University of Glasgow Library that supports the publication of academic and student-led open access journals.
Glasgow Open Journals is based on the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform. This service is provided free of charge to University of Glasgow staff and students who manage journals affiliated to the University of Glasgow, through a subscription to the SCURL journal and book hosting service.
For a full description of the service offering please see: Roles and Responsibilities.
You can browse our journals below. At the bottom of the page we also provide further guidance on setting up an open access journal and some useful resources for journal editors.
If you are thinking of setting up a journal, or if you have an affiliated journal that you would like us to consider hosting in Glasgow Open Journals, please get in touch at
Aiste: Rannsachhadh air Litreachas Gàidhlig / Studies in Gaelic Literature
Groundings Undergraduate
Groundings UG is an accredited academic journal for undergraduate students at the University of Glasgow.
Groundings Postgraduate
Groundings PG is an accredited academic journal for postgraduate students at the University of Glasgow.
PhysiOdyssey: Exploring Human Physiology is a creative writing journal with a specific focus on the theme of physiology.
Journal of Leadership, Scholarship and Praxis in Education
The Journal of Leadership, Scholarship and Praxis in Education publishes research and scholarship from practising education leaders.
Further resources
Establishing an open access journal
Registering your journal in Glasgow Open Journals
You can start the process of registering your journal with Glasgow Open Journals by emailing We will ask you to confirm your journal's affiliation to the University, and if proceeding we ask you to complete a request form where you fill out details of the journal that will be used to populate your journal's homepage.
Journal affiliation
The Glasgow Open Journals service is for journals affiliated to the University - that is, journals where the University is the, or a, publisher and where managing the journal would be considered part of the staff member or student's role with the University. If there is any doubt about the affiliation of the journal, you should discuss affiliation with your College or University Service in the first instance. This will help to establish whether the University should be listed as the publisher of the journal. For more information on affiliation please see: Roles and Responsibilities
Establishing your journal's processes
Journal editors will have complete editorial control over the journal and the content published in it, and will be responsible for the editorial and production workflows: see Roles and Responsibilities.
For more guidance on establishing journal processes please see the Resources for editors.
Creative Commons licences
Glasgow Open Journals uses Creative Commons licences, and the default recommended licence is a Creative Commons Attribution Licence (CC-BY). For more guidance on open access licences please see the Resources for editors.
Digital Object Identifiers
Articles hosted by Glasgow Open Journals will receive DOIs provided by the Library. We'll discuss this with editors as part of setting up a journal. We also have further guidance on Digital Object Identifiers at the University of Glasgow.
ISSNs are provided by the British Library free of charge:
Indexing your journal in DOAJ
To extend the reach of your journal you can index it in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) once you have a publishing history of more than one year, or once you have published more than ten open access articles: The Library can help you to apply.
Roles and Responsibilities
The University of Glasgow Library will:
- Provide the service free of charge on the condition that journal requirements can be met without additional cost or time to the Library
- Host the journal on the SCURL Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, who will perform updates and daily backups, and ensure long-term preservation
- Provide technical support as needed
- Provide limited customisation of the new journal site
- Assess requests for site features and functionality and investigate whether they can be accommodated using existing OJS capabilities
- Provide advice and support to help editors set up their journal and develop journal policies
- Provide documentation and initial training on using OJS. Additional training can be provided as required for new editors
- Provide advice and best practice guidelines on issues pertaining to academic publishing
- Provide guidance on the publication of full-text HTML, multimedia files and supplementary material
- Consult with experts to offer copyright advice
- Apply for an ISSN on behalf of the journal
- Manage, and pay for, Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) through the Library’s Crossref member account. DOIs will have the University of Glasgow prefix.
- Apply for inclusion in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and help the journal meet the requirements for being awarded the DOAJ Seal of Approval for Open Access Journals
- Work with editors to identify and apply to suitable abstracting and indexing services and bibliographic databases to increase the visibility and discoverability of the journal
Journal Editors will:
- Have complete editorial control over the journal and the content published in it
- Be responsible for updating the journal website and managing the editorial and production workflows, including:
- submissions
- peer review
- copyediting
- proofreading
- page layout
- typesetting
- handling illustrations and multimedia files
- Publish content online, ensuring bibliographic information is complete and accurate
- Manage journal promotion, including any social media accounts
Confirm they agree to follow policies that the Library requires as standard – guidance will be provided as needed:
- the hosted journal is fully Open Access
- the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines are followed
- the journal site includes a Take Down policy, a statement regarding publication charges and a note on copyright and permissions – see example of a Journal Policies page
- for journals that use DOIs, the article DOI is included in the full-text PDF and authors are asked to add DOIs to the list of references
- Ensure published content does not infringe third-party copyright and that publishing practices comply with privacy legislation including GDPR – the Library reserves the right to make published items temporarily unavailable while we investigate complaints
- Publish content as per the journal’s publication schedule
- Respond to communications from the Library in a timely fashion
- Inform the Library of any significant changes in the management of the journal
- Provide names and contact details for two individuals who will be the primary contacts – at least one primary contact has to be based at the University of Glasgow
- Provide the name of the College or University Service with which the journal is affiliated – the College will be listed as the publisher of the journal
- Seek the support of their College or University Service in publishing the journal – this is mandatory for student-led journals and recommended for academic-led journals
- Have a succession plan in place – this is mandatory for student-led journals and recommended for academic-led journals
Leaving the service
In the event that a journal ceases publication or moves to a different platform, the Library reserves the right to keep published journal content available on the hosting platform and/or via the institutional repository. We will help Editorial teams manage the transition provided sufficient notice is given.
Resources for journal editors
A collection of user guides, documentation and other publishing resources for users of Glasgow Open Journals and Open Journal Systems (OJS) and for journal editors more generally.
Open Journals Toolkit
The Open Journals Toolkit contains a wealth of resources and information for prospective journal editors:
Registering a journal in Glasgow Open Journals
See our guidance on setting up a journal.
Using Open Journal Systems (OJS)
Guides for editors using the Library's hosting service:
- Statistics in OJS – guide from PKP
- OJS guide for authors – from PKP
- OJS guide for reviewers – from PKP
Also see:
- What can OJS do? – overview of OJS capabilities
- Learning OJS 3.1 – PKP’s official online guide to the new version of OJS
- Setting up a Journal in OJS 3 – free online course from PKP School
- Editorial Workflow in OJS 3 – free online course from PKP School
Being a Journal Editor
- My Research Essentials: Editing a Journal – quick online tutorial from the University of Manchester Library
- Becoming an Editor – free online course from PKP School
- The editorial office (PDF) – from the Handbook for Journal Editors by INASP
- The editorial board (PDF) – chapter from The E-resources Management Handbook, published by UKSG
Managing the publication process
- Strategies for attracting authors (PDF) – from the Handbook for Journal Editors by INASP
- Working with authors (PDF) – from the Handbook for Journal Editors by INASP
- Publishing regularity (PDF) – from the Handbook for Journal Editors by INASP
Peer review
- My Research Essentials: Peer review – quick online tutorial from the University of Manchester Library
- The Golden Rules and the Peer-Review Good Practice Checklist (PDF) – appendix from Peer Review and Manuscript Management in Scientific Journals by Irene Hames, published by Wiley-Blackwell
- Becoming a Reviewer – free online course for reviewers from PKP School
Publication ethics and publication malpractice
- A Short Guide to Ethical Editing for New Editors – guide from the Committee on Publication Ethics
- Sample Correspondence – from the Council of Science Editors
- Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers (PDF) – guide from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
Creative Commons licences
- Overview of the Creative Commons licences – from Creative Commons
Which Creative Commons licence is right for me? (PDF) – from Creative Commons Australia
Copyright & permissions
- University of Glasgow IP and commercialisation resources
- Using somebody else's intellectual property – from the Intellectual Property Office (IPO)
- Crediting openly-licensed material – online attribution builder from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)
- Guidance on DOI services provided by the Library
- Checking DOIs before publication (PDF) – guide for journals that use OJS-generated DOIs
- Adding DOIs to your references (PDF) – guide for authors
Copyediting & production
- Copyediting and Proofreading – from The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Page composition (PDF) – from the Handbook for Journal Editors by INASP
- Creating accessible PDF documents in Word – from WebAIM, Center for Persons with Disabilities, Utah State University
Promotion & discovery
- Promotional Strategies (PDF) – from the Handbook for Journal Editors by INASP
- Building Visibility: Indexes and Databases – online guide from PKP
- Building Visibility: Search Engines – online guide from PKP
This page was adapted from the Edinburgh Diamond resource list: