Open Research
The University of Glasgow strongly encourages the adoption of open research practices. Open research refers to practices that share research early and wide from different stages of the research process, such as methods, protocols, data, software, educational resources, reviews, and publications.
Benefits of open research include improved visibility of research, greater transparency and reproducibility, enhanced opportunities for collaboration, earlier claim to your ideas, and improved public confidence in research.

Open Access

Open Research

Research Data Management
Open Research Activity at the University of Glasgow
The University of Glasgow has a long-standing service to support open research including open access to publications and sharing of research datasets. We provide support including:
- Case by case support for staff and students
- Training courses, presentations, guidance documents
- Publisher open access arrangements for research articles that have corresponding authors with a formal contract or student registration
- Support for the Research Publications and Copyright Policy
- Support with making books open access
- Support for checking open access requirements and options for funder and Research Excellence Framework requirements
- Managing and storing datasets
- Reviewing data management plans
The University also has a Research Computing as a Service which provides related services including high performance computing and website hosting.
We keep informed of national and international developments as we are represented on many advisory and professional groups and frequently consulted as experts.
Current Initiatives
- As an initial measure to tackle the prohibitive cost of making a book open access, we have invested in the Scottish Universities Press a fully open access and not-for-profit press owned and managed by Scotland’s University Libraries.
- The University is an active member of the United Kingdom Reproducibility Network Open Research Programme. We are currently involved in work packages to:
- Explore better ways to define and measure indicators of open research.
- Establish a train the trainer programme to roll out important training to help researchers and research enablers in good research practice.
- During 2024 we have been developing a large-scale storage solution that will be advertised soon.
- We have launched an open access journals service to support staff and students who edit journals affiliated to the University.
Contact Us
Enlighten Repositories
Enlighten: Publications, Enlighten: Theses, and Enlighten: Research Data