A new national survey capturing the activities and perspectives of graduates will launch in December 2018. This will replace the current Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE)

All graduates will be asked to take part in the Graduate Outcomes Survey approximately 15 months after they finish their studies.

The information provided will help current and future students gain an insight into career destinations and development, and the responses will also help the university in evaluating courses.
Martin Boyle, Director of Planning and Business Intelligence said, ‘This is a significant and welcome change that will provide important data both to the university and to policy makers on the state of the graduate labour market. Students will receive an email inviting them to complete the survey online, or they might be contacted by telephone and asked to complete the survey that way. It is not compulsory and should only take about 15 minutes to complete and we really hope that as many students as possible will take part.’

The Graduate Outcomes survey is owned by HESA, the Higher Education Statistics Agency.

Image of the HESA Outcomes Survey logo

First published: 25 April 2018