Commonwealth Day is celebrated on the second Monday of March, and it provides an opportunity for the citizens of the Commonwealth to share their heritage with others within their immediate environment and beyond.

Yearly, youths from the commonwealth immigrate temporarily to the United Kingdom to study or work with a view to develop their knowledge base, innovate, network and generate sustainable global solutions to global problems.

In line with the 2018 Commonwealth theme, Towards a Common Future is an interactive event which features an hour long panel discussion session on the role of the youths in building a sustainable Commonwealth.

The panel discussion will focus on the thematic areas of creating a more sustainable, fair, secure and prosperous future. The event will offer a panel platform for guests to deliberate on these priorities from a youth perspective.

  • Date: Friday 16 March
  • Time: 2pm - 5pm
  • Venue: Seminar room 101a & 101b, Sir Charles Wilson Building (opposite GUU)

First published: 8 March 2018