To mark World Diabetes Day 2017, GU Endocrinology and Diabetes Society is hosting a free evening of talks on the future of diabetes care from a panel including specialists in the field and a patient living with diabetes.

Tuesday 14 November
Boyd Orr Lecture Theatre 2

World Diabetes Day is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign. Created jointly by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organisation, the campaign aims to draw attention to the issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and to keep diabetes firmly in the public and political spotlight.

With over 3.5 million people diagnosed with the condition in the UK, it is important that everybody is aware of the disease and its implications. Healthcare professionals are likely to meet people with diabetes on a daily basis, so it is crucial for anybody working or training in healthcare to have a real understanding of diabetes.

This event is free, non-ticketed and open to anybody with an interest in diabetes. For further details, visit the GUCEDS Facebook Page.

First published: 30 October 2017