​This student-led initiative in partnership with Rape Crisis Scotland is a collaboration between the Glasgow University Students’ Representative Council (SRC) and Glasgow Caledonian University. It was born from students at both universities wanting to do something to tackle sexual violence, building on student activism such as the Let’s Talk campaign and forms part of the University-wide Gender Based Violence Strategy.

The workshops are delivered by University of Glasgow students, who have been trained by Rape Crisis Scotland. They have had experience in delivering the sessions and will be able to answer any questions you might have on the subject.

The 90-minute workshop includes:

  • Plenty of time for discussions, sharing ideas and learning from each other
  • The impacts of sexual violence
  • A focus on survivors and ways to build a supportive community
  • Consent, what it means, what the law says and practising it
  • Bystander intervention, how to safely and comfortably intervene
  • Where to find support

Open sessions are free to attend by all. Simply register to the EventBrite of the workshop you would like to attend.

  • Wednesday 25 October, 1600-1730 - Book now
  • Wednesday 1 November, 1730-1900 - Book now

Share widely, all students at UofG are welcome to attend! 

Workshops can also be organised for your society, committee, or even class. 

If you would like a session to be organised for your particular group, you can email the SRC’s Vice-President Student Support, Lauren McDougall on lauren.mcdougall@src.gla.ac.uk and cc the Project Assistant, Thaïs Ramdani on projects@glasgowstudent.net

Feel free to get in touch with them if you have any further questions about the initiative. 

First published: 23 October 2017