Glasgow Science Festival is seeking engineers to attend a ‘taster’ of upcoming theatre show, ‘Imagineer’.

Funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering, ‘Imagineer’ will explore the past, present and future of engineering through live acting, music and film. The aim is to showcase the diversity of engineering and to stimulate debate around tricky subjects.

On Friday 13 October, an exclusive ‘taster’ performance will take place at the Boyd Orr Building, Lecture Theatre 1.

We are keen for as many engineers as possible to attend and share feedback on the show while it is still in development.

To register, please book online: Imagineer Taster Show 

Refreshments will be provided at 6pm, with the 15-minute show commencing at 6.30pm. We hope to see you then!

This event is for engineers, with public events planned for this December. For more information on the ‘Imagineer’ project, please visit: Imagineer  

First published: 3 October 2017