As an organisation we strive to create and maintain a positive environment, promoting equality of opportunity for all students and staff, in a culture that is supportive, inclusive and respectful, writes the Equality and Diversity Unit.

Our activities in this space are governed by the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), which came into force in May 2012 and requires public bodies to have ‘due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities’.

The PSED brings with it a range of requirements we must meet, which include publishing biennial reports analysing our progress against our stated equality outcomes and goals, and summarising examples of ‘mainstreaming’ diversity. These duties help us to create a framework within which we can define and create the type of organisation we want to be, and in which all our inspiring people can flourish.

Inclusive and supportive

Following approval by the University Court, we are delighted to launch the University’s new Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Reports for 2017. Our equality activity impacts all our staff and students and we would invite you to read the reports, familiarising yourself with our new Equality Outcomes and the work being done to ensure an inclusive and supportive environment for all.

You can read the newly published PSED Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Reports on the Equality and Diversity webpages alongside all previously published reports.

Our 2017 Equality Outcomes Report considers how far we have progressed as a University against the equality outcomes we set for ourselves in 2013, alongside our new set of outcomes for 2017 to 2021 and information on the engagement work undertaken with staff and students to development these new outcomes.

‘Mainstreaming’ in part means ensuring that equality and diversity considerations are embedded within all of our activities, from the initial development of a process, policy or activity through to implementation and on-going delivery. Our Mainstreaming Report brings together practical examples from across the University that demonstrate this embedded mainstreaming, while highlighting which of our Equality Outcomes the activity supports.

If you would like further information on Public Sector Equality Duty, our Reports or any aspect of the University’s Equality and Diversity activities, please don’t hesitate to contact us:



First published: 1 May 2017