Cycling is hugely popular among UofG staff and students. It reduces your stress levels and your carbon footprint, and can help keep you fit and healthy. However, maintaining a bike and fixing it when things goes wrong can be expensive, which is often a barrier to anyone trying to travel more sustainably. The Glasgow University Environmental Sustainability Team (GUEST) have the solution to this problem.

After its success last year, on 16 January GUEST relaunched The Bike Hub, a social space where you can learn how to fix your bike completely free of charge and take advantage of the services of a trained Bike Mechanic for free. 

Hub sessions are on Mondays, 1-5pm, in the Glasgow University Union Dining Room. The sessions are informal, with no need to make an appointment and no obligation to come along every week. Not only does The Bike Hub provide a space for cycle-lovers to grab a hot drink and have a chat, but also repair stands, tools and replacement parts, and trained volunteers and staff to help you learn to repair and maintain your bike. Use of the tools, space and expertise will remain free, and they’ll be available every week.

GUEST told Campus e-News: "We have to express our huge gratitude to Uni-Cycle and The Bike Station for their tools and expertise, and of course the GUU for the use of the Dining Room. Without these organisations we would not have the means, ability or space to provide this fantastic service."

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First published: 16 January 2017