Black History Month (BHM) is celebrated in October every year, with the aim of foregrounding Scotland’s ‘hidden history’. In Scotland this has encompassed the history of African, Caribbean and Asian people in this country; people who often have a direct link with Scotland through slavery, colonialism and migration.

BHM focuses on people whose sacrifices, contributions and achievements against a backdrop of racism, inequality and injustice are often forgotten about and who are absent from our history books and education system.

Last year the University planned its biggest programme for BHM, which included the James McCune Smith Lecture delivered by Prof. Kofi Anyidoho, University of Ghana, film screenings at QMU, Hunterian Insight talks over lunchtime, panel discussions lead by GRAMNet, the launch of the Alexander Haddow Catalogue, and authentic regional food available in the Fraser Building and 1A The Square.

This year the University would like to hear from any staff or students who would like to host an event for BHM.

A short term working group has been convened to co-ordinate activity, and ideas can be submitted to the Equality and Diversity Unit through The group would particularly welcome suggestions which celebrate Black History in Scotland.

First published: 30 July 2018