The World Changing Alumni Award is a University honour, launched in 2018, which aims to recognise and celebrate the achievements of alumni who have graduated within the last 15 years and made a major contribution to the community, arts, science or business.

If you or your department/team knows of a UofG alumnus who has excelled in their field - we would love to hear from you!

Maybe they’ve launched a business, founded a charity or lead a campaign? Success comes in all shapes and sizes!

We welcome nominations from anyone and you can submit as many as you like. 

The award was formerly called the Young Alumnus of the Year Award, and after receiving feedback from our alumni and friends we have re-named the award and we hope that you will get involved!

Make your nominations today:

Nominations close on Monday 3 September, so don’t miss out!

If you have any questions please get in touch with Rosie Simm (

Stand out from the crowd!

  • Here are our top tips to make your nomination amazing:
  • Show the impact of their work
  • Pack your nomination with real life examples
  • Include quotes from colleagues, managers or friends
  • Attach evidence like news articles, photos or awards

First published: 24 July 2018