The MyGlasgow Student and MyGlasgow Staff homepages are designed to give you a single, central place to go for information and systems, but there's no such thing as a finished website. Tell us what you want and need, so we can keep making your homepage better, writes the MyGlasgow team.

Top Tasks survey

The survey is in its final stretch - we’re only 238 responses away from our target of 900! - so if you haven’t already, please take three minutes to let us know what’s most important to you.

Paid research opportunities

To kick off the next stage of our user research, we’re forming the MyGlasgow User Panel. Join now via Moodle and you’ll be the first to hear when we’re looking for research participants.

We want to talk directly with students and staff to find out how you currently access information and systems, what works and doesn't work for you, and what changes you’d like to see. We’ll do this through:

  • One-on-one chats
  • Top task testing
  • Focus groups
  • Targeted surveys

You'll also be the first to hear when we have new developments to test.

Where this research involves you giving up your time to help us, you will be paid for taking part.

Join the MyGlasgow User Panel now

The first research sessions will be confirmed later this month so join the Panel now to hear more…

First published: 16 October 2017