Not too late to DJ party!
Published: 25 September 2017
There are still some tickets available for the legendary, charity DJ staff Christmas party.
There are still some tickets available for the legendary, charity DJ staff Christmas party.
This will be the sixth year that Estates and Commercial Services Clerk of Works, Derek 'DJ' Johnston, has organised his Christmas Party for staff, friends and colleagues.
So far, Derek's efforts have raised £14,000 for the Make-a-Wish children's charity and £4000 for the long-running Cash for Kids charity.
Each year the highlight of the party, held at the GUU, is a guest appearance of a surprise guest star from the poptastic glory days of the 1960s and 70s. The event is supported by the Ferguson Bequest.
Date: Friday 8 December
Time: 7pm - 1am
Venue: GUU Dining Room, University Avenue
Tickets: £10 including buffet. Contact: or call 07843 290 800
First published: 25 September 2017
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