The Royal Society is visiting the University of Glasgow to deliver a talk about their funding schemes on 12 September.

The session will be relevant to final-year PhD students and researchers from post-doctoral level upwards working in the areas of life and physical sciences (excluding clinical medicine) and engineering.

The Royal Society is the independent scientific academy of the UK, dedicated to promoting excellence in science. Over £40 million is spent annually by the Royal Society across the grant-making schemes.

The presentation will cover the following:

Early Career Fellowship schemes:
University Research Fellowships, Sir Henry Dale Fellowships, Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowships

Senior Fellowship schemes:
Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowships, Wolfson Research Merit Awards, Research Professorships

Industry & Innovation schemes:
Industry Fellowships, Translation Awards

Research Capacity/Infrastructure schemes:
Wolfson Laboratory Refurbishment Scheme, Research Grants

Collaboration and Travel schemes:
International Exchanges Scheme, Newton International Fellowships

Newton Fund schemes:
Newton Advanced Fellowship, Newton Mobility Grants

New schemes:
Including APEX Awards and Global Challenge Grant Fund schemes

Hints & Tips:
Application and interview information, why you should apply for a Royal Society grant


The Senate Room


11.00-11.30 Royal Society Presentation
11.30 - 11.50 University Research Fellow Presentation
11.50 - 12.15 Q&A session
12.15 - 1.00 Networking/refreshments

If you would like to attend the session, please email


First published: 5 September 2017