The 8 September was declared annual International Literacy Day (ILD) by UNESCO on 17 November 1965, and this year ILD will be celebrated across the world under the theme of ‘Literacy in a Digital World’.

ILD is celebrated worldwide, bringing together governments, multinational organisations, NGOs, private sector companies, communities, teachers, learners and experts in the field. The date marks achievements made in the area of literacy and reflects on ways to address the many challenges which remain around the promotion of literacy as a vital part of lifelong learning, both within and beyond the 2030 Education Agenda.

Advances in digital technologies are having a fundamental impact on the way people live, work, learn and socialise across the globe. They are opening up new possibilities to improve people’s access to information knowledge management through networking, social services, industrial production and types of work.

However, those who have little access to these new technologies, and therefore the ability to develop the skills required to utilise them effectively, can end up being marginalised in societies increasingly shaped by new technology. Literacy is one such skill.

Just as knowledge, skills and competencies evolve in the digital world, so does what it means to be literate. To work towards closing the literacy skills gap and reduce inequalities, this year’s ILD will highlight the challenges and opportunities in promoting literacy in the digital world, a world where, despite progress, at least 758 million adults and 263 million out-of-school children still lack basic literacy skills.

For more information, search #LiteracyDay on Twitter, or visit International Literary Day 

Our Diversity Calendar

The Diversity Calendar highlights the date for International Literacy Day, along with a range of other key University dates and many cultural and religious festivals, and is a fantastic resource to help enhance your awareness and understanding of cultural and religious differences and traditions, and as a reference tool when organising your own event dates.

Download our Diversity Calendar on our Equality and Diversity webpages - we hope you find it useful and enlightening throughout 2017. 

If you would like any further information on the Diversity Calendar, to submit images for consideration for inclusion in the next edition, or on any aspect of the University’s Equality and Diversity work, please contact us on

First published: 1 September 2017