I am pleased to advise that the annual Recognition and Reward round for 2016-17 is now open, writes Lesley Cummings, Head of Performance, Pay & Reward.

The Recognition and Reward application process is accessible to all eligible staff on Grades 1 to 9 of the substantive pay scale, irrespective of contractual status or length of service. Please note that applications should be submitted to the Performance, Pay and Reward team (hr-ppr@glasgow.ac.uk) by 9 February 2018

There continues to be scope for staff to apply for a Sustained Excellence award, i.e. an accelerated increment or a contribution point.

Additionally teams may apply for an Exceptional Contribution award, i.e. a one-off, non-consolidated, non-pensionable award with the amount of which will be determined by each College/University Services. 

Full details regarding the Recognition and Reward process are available on the HR website and the timetable is replicated below for information.



Completed applications to be received by HR


Applications available to Committees on SharePoint


College / University Services Committees


Committees to notify HR of outcomes


Staff / Managers notified of outcomes


Effective date of consolidated awards

1st August 2018*

*The payment date of consolidated awards will be dependent on payroll cut off dates.


First published: 27 November 2017