Tackling the Rights’ Challenges of Brexit
Published: 21 September 2018
Law lecturer providing expert guidance and advice to organisations on Brexit challenges
Maria Fletcher, Senior lecturer in the School of Law is providing expert guidance and advice to organisations to help with the challenges faced by Brexit.
The Civil Society and Brexit Project is a collaboration between the Scottish Universities Legal Network on Europe (SULNE) and the Human Rights Consortium Scotland. Maria, along with colleagues in university law schools across Scotland is working with civil society organisations to support them to understand and engage with the EU withdrawal legislation and legal processes at play in Westminster and Holyrood.
The project has been running since September 2017 and is delivering a programme of training workshops to share knowledge and work collaboratively to allow civil society organisations to be involved in Brexit decision making and discussions.
Maria explains, “We hope we can help organisations to find their voice to help them engage in the Brexit process, in particular around human rights matters. We have produced some jargon-free information brochures around key rights and coming soon are some accessible information videos around EU citizens and Brexit and getting to grips with the EU (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Organisations should get in touch if they would like support.”
First published: 21 September 2018