The work of the Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine has been recognised by International Women’s Day.

Following submission of a competition entry from applicants worldwide, the IBAHCM was recognised  for Best Practice in Education/Academia.

"Our IWD event aimed to bring together staff and students from all facets of the institute - from all genders, grades and roles - to celebrate the women in STEM in our department, and we encouraged everyone to make a pledge to #PressforProgress. Professor Sarah Cleaveland OBE, one of our scientists, gave an honest and inspiring address about the barriers she had faced, her achievements, role models and she also highlighted general global challenges still faced by women," writes Michelle Bellingham, Chair of the Institute's Athena SWAN team who organised the event and submitted the entry.

"To champion IWD2018 in a meaningful way, we also created a 'Wall of Celebration' that featured large posters of the women’s faces within our Institute and displayed it in the foyer. In line with our Athena SWAN commitment, our Institute is committed to celebrating all aspects of diversity and inclusion and receiving this recognition highlights this," she added.

First published: 17 September 2018