A celebration of UofG alumnus A J Cronin - renowned doctor and author - and his part in the foundation of the NHS will be held on 2 October.

Cronin's novel The Citadel, influenced by his work as a medical inspector of mines and exploring controversial new ideas about medical ethics, has been widely credited as the inspiration behind the launch of the National Health Service. He was hailed as the J.K. Rowling of his day with several novels translated into Hollywood blockbusters in the 1930s. Cronin's novel Country Doctor was adapted as a long-running BBC radio and TV series Dr. Finlay's Casebook.

To celebrate the impact of both A.J. Cronin and 70 years of the NHS, the University is hosting event which will bring together world class literary and medical commentators to discuss A.J. Cronin's life, legacy and laying the foundations of the NHS.

Distinguished guests include Diane Cronin, granddaughter of A.J. Cronin and Literary Executor of all his works; Chancellor Sir Kenneth Calman (University of Glasgow); Professor Dame Anna Dominiczak (Vice-Principal and Head of the College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow); Professor Frank Dunn (Former President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow); and Professor Gerry Carruthers (Francis Hutcheson Chair of Scottish Literature, University of Glasgow).

First published: 17 September 2018