Writing for Science Students book coverWriting for Science Students, by Dr Jennifer Boyle and Dr Scott Ramsay, has won Book of the Year as voted by the Booksellers’ Association at the Academic Book Trade Awards.

They collected the award at a ceremony held on Thursday night in Stratford-upon-Avon. The Booksellers’ Association invited open nominations from their national network of academic bookshops, so Jennifer and Scott are particularly pleased that it has been recognised by professionals who have a deep and up-to-date understanding of what students want and need.

Aimed at Undergraduate and Masters students who are either writing for the first time, or who simply want to improve upon their current academic writing, Writing for Science Students has short, focused chapters on the various aspects of the task. Copies are available for your students at the University Library, and copies for inspection for course reading lists can be requested from the publisher (MacMillan International Higher Education; formerly Palgrave Macmillan).

Jennifer and Scott are currently working on a second project aimed at PhD students in the sciences.

Jennifer and Scott are based in Research & Innovation Services and in LEADS (the Learning Enhancement and Academic Development Service), respectively, and can be contacted on jennifer.boyle@glasgow.ac.uk and scott.ramsay.2@glasgow.ac.uk

Book of the Year 2018


First published: 15 May 2018