Professor Rory O’Connor, Director of the Suicidal Behaviour Research Laboratory, will be live on the UofG Facebook page on Wednesday 9 May to answer any questions about suicide research and prevention.

This is the second in the series of ‘Ask the UofG Expert’ live Facebook videos. The series aims to provide an interactive platform to allow audiences to engage with our research.

Watch on Facebook Live 

Ask your questions

MVLS Communications Officer Elizabeth McMeekin will be interviewing Rory and asking him your questions on Facebook from 2.00pm on Wednesday. If you would like to ask a question in advance, email it to and follow along for the answer!

If you have ideas for an ‘Ask the UofG Expert’ Live do get in touch with us –

Rory O'Connor Facebook Live promo

Facebook Live – Diabetes research

If you missed the first Facebook Live with diabetes expert Jennifer Logue, you can still watch it: Ask a UofG Expert - Type 2 Diabetes & Weightloss


If you are affected by any of the issues discussed in this video, you can get help at any of the following places:

First published: 3 May 2018