Govan Young, a thirty-minute long documentary which started life with a small grant from the University of Glasgow’s Chancellor's Fund had its World Premiere at the 9th Lucknow International Children's Film Festival in India last week.

Dr David Archibald of the University’s School of Culture and Creative Arts co-directed and produced the film along with Martin Clark and Cara Connolly from local production company, Connolly Clark Films. Dr Archibald attended the festival where it was screened to 4000 local children at what organisers claim is the world’s largest children’s film festival.

The film follows a group of local schoolchildren from Govan’s Pirie Park Primary as, aided by Professor Stephen Driscoll, an historical archaeologist at the University of Glasgow, they learn the rarely-told story of the Viking invasion of central Scotland and the subsequent establishment of the medieval kingdom of Strathclyde, which had its spiritual centre in Govan.

Dr Archibald lived in Govan for thirty years and was keen for local people to learn more about their past. He said: “After a cast and crew screening last December we were optimistic that it would be received warmly locally, but we are delighted that the film has also gained international interest and hopefully there will be more to follow. ”

Watch the Trailer

You can keep up with the films progress via the Facebook page. 

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For more info about the film or to discuss possible screenings, contact David at

First published: 18 April 2017