Colleagues and students are warmly invited to participate in events being hosted across the University to mark February’s LGBT History Month.

2022 also marks the 50th Anniversary of the first official Pride rally and march in the UK, which in turn commemorated the 1969 Stonewall riots.

University events include:

  • Rainbow Flag raising at the South Front flagpole (overlooking Kelvingrove) of the main building (Gilmorehill Campus) on Tuesday, 1 February at 12 noon
  • The Hunterian is hosting Hockney Between the Covers – join Dr Allan Madden who will throw off the covers of David Hockney’s Illustrations for ‘Fourteen Poems from C.P. Cavafy’ (1966) and invites attendees to delve into the beautiful prints and poems on queer love and desire contained within.
  • As always, LGBTQ+ writers are featured in February’s Creative Conversations sessions.
  • The LGBT+ Staff and PhD Network are showing a screening of the Mama Gloria documentary, as well as hosting the University of Manchester’s Ruth Ramsden-Karelse who will discuss The Kewpie Collection, a photographic collection documenting queer femininity in South Africa.
  • The UofG Community Choir, which is open to all staff, students and alumni, will be singing inclusive love songs throughout February.  The choir always welcomes new members – no experience necessary, no need to be able to read music. They have a wide repertoire including folk, pop and music from around the world.
  • The student society GULGBTQ+ will be hosting a programme of individual events every Wednesday throughout the month, with their annual all day Queerfest on the last Saturday of the month.
  • The Students’ Representative Council (SRC) and Chaplaincy are co-hosting "Faith and Identity - where the two roads meet" on 17 February.  The event will focus on the intersectionality of Faith and LGBTQ+ identity, with four speakers from a variety of faith backgrounds, followed by a Q&A session.

The majority of event will be held virtually.  Events details can be found on the University’s Events LGBT History Month listings with more to be added by organisers soon.

Once again, many thanks to all the organisers for their time, energy and enthusiasm.

First published: 28 January 2022