Our People Make Research campaign launched for the first time in May 2022 and encouraged our postgraduate researchers and research staff to recognise and thank the people who contribute positively to our thriving research environment.  

In one month we received 133 nominations, highlighting how keen our research community is to recognise the positive contribution colleagues have made to their professional life and the culture of research at Glasgow. 

Research thrives when researchers feel that they are part of a stimulating, fair, and inclusive environment in which colleagues help each other to succeed. This is one of the core principles of our Research Strategy 2020-25.   

As well as allowing us to recognise and thank those making a positive difference, People Make Research provided an informal way to collect and share practical examples of good practice in research leadership.  

Professor Miles Padgett, Academic Champion for Culture said: “We recognise that research culture is not an alternative to excellence rather it is what will allow more of us to excel, and it is wonderful to read about the real-life examples of how our colleagues are supporting each other to do just this.”  

Professor Chris Pearce, Vice Principal for Research and Knowledge Exchange said: “Every day, colleagues across UofG are working hard to ensure we have the best environment for our research to thrive. This campaign provides a great showcase of some of these fantastic efforts, and I’d like to personally thank those that have been nominated, as well as those that made a nomination.”  

Our 2022 nominees 

Our three categories for nominations mirrored the three priorities of our Research Strategy: Collaboration, Creativity and Careers. 

Impact on collaboration - collaboration is not only important for addressing global challenges, but for creating trust and empowering colleagues at all levels to take the lead.  

Read about the 59 UofG staff recognised for their impact on collaboration.  

Impact on creativity - to give researchers the opportunity to think imaginatively we must ensure that they experience trust, flexibility and autonomy.   

Read about the 27 UofG staff recognised for their impact on creativity. 

Impact on careers – we aim to make Glasgow the best place in which to pursue a career, by creating an environment in which all colleagues are supported to fulfil their ambition.  

Read about the 57 UofG staff recognised for their impact on careers. 

The campaign 

Find out more 

First published: 28 July 2022