We are delighted to announce the launch of the 2022 CPD programme. The timetable for semester 2 includes events from external invited speakers

  • Simone Eringfeld, Independent Researcher - Podcasting and 'data music' as digital sonic methods for post-Covid research
  • Daisy Abbott, The Glasgow School of Art (with Sarah Honeychurch) - Developing SoTL skills - choose your own adventure
  • Rachelle Emily O-Brien, University of Durham - Escape Rooms as Teaching Tools
  • Dawne Irving-Bell, Edgehill University (with Nathalie Tasler) - Welcome to The National Teaching Repository! 

The sessions cover the themes: 

  • Active Learning
  • Assessment and Curricula
  • SoTL

These sessions are free and open to all University of Glasgow staff.

Full programme with booking forms

Also a reminder that the 15 Annual University of Glasgow Learning and Teaching Conference will take place online on Tuesday 29 March. A separate email will announce registration opening.

If you have any questions, please contact CPD@glasgow.ac.uk.

First published: 17 January 2022