The Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme is an excellent opportunity for Early Career Researchers from Glasgow to conduct research in a cross-national exchange at higher education institutions in Lower Saxony.

ECAS (European Centre for Advanced Studies) is pleased to announce that the latest Lower Saxony – Scotland Tandem Fellowship Programme is open for applications (deadline 15 May 2022).

The Fellowship Programme connects two early career researchers from a Lower Saxonian and a Scottish higher education institution, who together form a partnership and work on a joint project.

Researchers who are already involved in or intend to collaborate in joint projects between Lower Saxonian and the University of Glasgow are invited to apply for the programme.

The call is open to Early Career Researchers, who have completed their PhD within the last 10 years and have an employment contract with a Scottish or Lower Saxonian higher education institution.

Funds will support short-term stays (from at least one up to six months; due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is exceptionally possible to split the stay into several trips) for each early career researcher and are funded with 1,200 Euro per person per month.

Join a digital session on 12 April to find out more

Join a digital session on 12 April (11am) to learn more about the details of the programme and the current Open Call for proposals as well as other activities of ECAS related to Lower Saxony-Scotland cooperation.

Funding still available for staff from the IPDF

University staff interested in collaborating internationally can apply to the re-opened International Partnership Development Fund.

First published: 8 April 2022