The University of Glasgow has improved its position among the world’s top 100 universities in the 2023 THE (Times Higher Education) World University Rankings.

The University placed 82nd this year, up from 86th in 2022. In 2021 the University placed 92nd, and 99th in 2020. This year the University also ranks 10th among UK universities, and second in Scotland.

The THE World University Rankings are the most comprehensive world university rankings, including 1,799 higher education institutions.

The rise in overall rank was driven by higher scores across several Pillars, including International Outlook (a measure of internationalisation), where we placed 66th in the world, Citations (indicating research impact) where we improved 19 positions to 72nd, and Teaching which improved by three places. We also saw significant uplifts in our academic reputation metrics across the Teaching and Research pillars.

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, said: “I’m pleased to see the University of Glasgow once again performing well in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, improving our overall ranking for the third consecutive year.

“Despite the ever-increasing competition from peer institutions worldwide, these results underline the fact that Glasgow continues to be regarded as one of the top universities in the world, with a truly global influence and reputation.

“As always, these results are testament to the dedication and hard work of colleagues across the organisation, and I’d like to thank everyone for their efforts.”

Phil Baty, Chief Knowledge Officer at Times Higher Education (THE), said: “It is getting very competitive indeed among the world top 100, with several western universities making way to rising stars from East Asia – so to make gains further into the top echelons of the rankings is a remarkable achievement for the University of Glasgow.

“Performance is strong against the range of 13 performance metrics we use to assess universities, but Glasgow has seen gains in its global academic reputation – more scholars globally are recognising Glasgow as among the very best in the world across a range of disciplines – and has real strength in the quality of research and in its truly global outlook.”


First published: 12 October 2022