Professor Petra Meier is the newest addition to the Centre for Sustainable Solutions leadership group.

As a member of the team, she will contribute towards the centre’s vital work in enabling individuals, communities and organisations to act towards a sustainable future through education, research and partnership.

Professor Meier joined the MRC/CSO Social & Public Health Sciences Unit as Professor of Public Health in July 2020 to lead a new programme of Systems Science research.

“The climate emergency is something that’s been a personal priority for a long time," she says. "I grew up in Germany at a time when many young people were becoming extremely concerned about fossil fuels and waste, and even my inner-city school had a strong focus on environmental sustainability. In my work life, I’m a public health scientist, that means that my main concern is keeping people as healthy as possible for as long as possible, and to tackle the stark inequalities that exist in health and wellbeing. We recognise that planetary health and human health are tightly interwoven.

“In my associate directorship I’m looking forward to exploring how systems science research on the interrelationships between climate crisis, health, wellbeing and social justice can contribute to the centre’s scientific vision.”

The centre’s team already includes academics from across engineering, the arts, education, business, geology and biology, as well as estates and student representatives, ensuring cross-campus, multidisciplinary and external partnerships can all contribute to the University achieving its net-zero and other environmental sustainability goals.

Drop-in sessions
If you are interested in learning more, the Centre for Sustainable Solutions and Green New Deal host a drop-in session on the last Thursday of every month for staff and students, so why not get involved?

First published: 19 April 2021