As we head towards COP26, we anticipate a growing interest from worldwide media around the conference and issues related to climate change and sustainability.

This means it is likely there will be opportunities for academics from the University to play a role in informing coverage of the main political, social and environmental aspects of the summit via TV and radio interviews, newspaper interviews, plus social and digital media.

To ensure the University is poised to meet this demand, we will be creating a specific COP26 media expert directory, a resource that allows journalists to search and bid for expert academic commentators.

The media team will be contacting academics in the coming weeks, but if you work in a field or have a particular expertise that you feel may be of interest to the media and would like to be featured in the directory, please let us know by emailing

How we operate

The University’s Media Relations team respond to requests for academic comment from media around the world, helping journalists find and contact the appropriate academic.

The experts directory will be a public-facing resource, available on our website but also proactively sent to key media outlets. Please note this will not include any personal contact details and that we will ask that all media enquiries still go through the University’s Media Relations team, so journalists don’t contact you directly.

To ensure this resource is as helpful for all parties as possible, please let us know your area of expertise and general availability over the period between now and COP26.

It is worth bearing in mind that when responding to requests, although we may sometimes have a longer lead-in time, we are often working to a very short deadline, often the same day.

If you are new to working with media, we can offer advice and support.

Working with the media

First published: 9 September 2021