Content Warning: This email content relates to sexual violence. If you would like to access support, without reading further, please follow this link Dignity at Work and Study Support, Guidance and Reporting - this includes resources on sexual harassment, assault and violence. 

On 29 October 2021 the Principal announced that I had been appointed to undertake a thorough investigation and review of the University’s current staff and student procedures and support arrangements in relation to gender-based violence.  I would like to let both staff and students know that the preparatory work is underway and to give an indication as to what my further plans will be. 

This month I am holding meetings with a number of people, chiefly those in senior positions of responsibility, both within the University administration and as representatives of staff and students.  These are preliminary discussions and will help me to form a view as to the nature and scale of the issues to be addressed and the size and shape of the review.  With the benefit of these discussions, and also taking account of written material which I need to read, I intend to prepare a detailed plan for the main part of the review, which will begin in January. 

At that point, I will be in touch again, both with staff and with students, and I will explain more about the structure of the review and the areas I intend to cover.  Also, and very importantly, I will provide further information in the new year about how members of staff and students can contribute to and participate in the review.  At this stage, I would like to make it clear that I will welcome communication from anyone who would like to be in touch with me.  Your views and your experience are important and I will work hard to find the best ways for you to share them with me.  [I understand that, for some, there may be some anxiety arising from this process; you have my assurance that I am sensitive to that and will do all that I can to make it straightforward, helpful and confidential.] 

Morag Ross QC 

Internal Support  

  • The University, in conjunction with Rape Crisis, has trained a group of staff as Sexual Violence and Harassment First Responders. They can provide information and support in confidence. 
  • Students can book a consultation with the counselling service online, or by emailing
  • Respect Advisersare volunteer members of staff who have been trained to offer confidential, impartial, advice and support to anyone experiencing issues with harassment or bullying. 
  • Staff can access counselling support via PAM ASSIST

 External Support  

  • Rape Crisis Scotlandprovide a national helpline and email support to anyone affected by sexual assault. The helpline operates between 6pm and Midnight on 08088 01 03 02. Glasgow & Clyde Rape Crisis can be contacted on 08088 00 00 14, Mon-Fri 11am – 2pm  

Further Reporting Information 

  • Useful information on external reporting can be found on the Police Scotland website here,along with helpline numbers and information videos. 
  • For students - complaints raised internally are investigated in line with the Code of Student Conduct. You can find details about that process on the website here
  • For colleagues – complaints are investigated by P&OD in line with the following policies.  

Safety Information  

  • Student or colleagues with a smartphone are encouraged to download the Safezone App
  • Students are reminded of the SRC’s Get Home Safe Schemewith Glasgow Taxis - Campus Security - University Gatehouse 0141 330 4282 / Crisis number 0141 330 4444 

First published: 14 December 2021