Following the UK’s departure from the European Union on Friday, 31 January, UofG researchers continue to participate fully in Horizon 2020. Nothing changes for new applications; we can participate in all remaining Horizon 2020 calls and receive EU funding for the lifetime of successful projects.

Leaving the EU with a Withdrawal Agreement means that the UK continues to participate in new EU funding applications as if it remained an EU member until 31 December 2020. Researchers at UofG should continue bidding for grants until the end of the Horizon 2020 programme.

The UK Government Guarantee, which would have funded successful new Horizon 2020 bids after a "no-deal" Brexit, is not needed. The EU will fund all successful UK proposals submitted to 2020 calls – for the lifetime of those projects, whatever happens after the end of the Brexit transition period.

We can confidently apply for EU projects, as EU funding for successful bids is secure.

Many opportunities remain, all remaining calls up to December 2020 are already published. This includes:

  • Collaborative calls in ‘Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing’ (deadline April);
  • Collaborative calls in Information and Communication Technologies (deadline April);
  • Collaborative calls in Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) – deadline May;
  • ERC Advanced Grants – individual grants for recognised leaders in their fields (deadline August);
  • MSCA Individual Fellowships – bring talented postdocs from any country to work with you at UofG (deadline September);
  • Collaborative calls in ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’ (deadline September).

This Brexit agreement means that we can bid for all Horizon 2020’s remaining calls and receive Horizon 2020 funding for the lifetime of successful projects.

Researchers at UofG should continue bidding for grants until the end of Horizon 2020, especially as there is more funding available in the programme’s final year than in any of its previous years.

An event is currently in the planning for April, to present many of the remaining opportunities in Horizon 2020. More information about this event will be provided soon.

The Overseas Team continues to support all aspects of submitting Horizon 2020 proposals. Contact the team at


First published: 3 February 2020