COVID-19 has redefined the student experience this year, both at Glasgow and around the world. Over recent months we have been working on ways to learn more about this changing student experience so we can better address concerns and make sure our support keeps pace with the change we’re seeing across the sector.

We have identified a need for timely questions that can be answered quickly, but still provide insight across a wide variety of areas and cohorts. To help deliver this, we have designed a programme of pulse surveys, which will be both responsive and flexible ways of capturing data.

The surveys were launched on 29 September, with questions posed by the SRC. The first week of questions generated over 4,100 responses, the highest response the University has ever received for a student experience survey. The results were illuminating and counter to expectations that may have been held:

  • Despite the incredibly unusual circumstances, there was 64% positive feedback on Freshers’ Week
  • 71% of the participants responded positively to ‘I feel like I’m part of the University of Glasgow community’
  • 68% felt confident returning or coming to the University
  • 80% feel supported by the University.

Using more granular analysis, 80% of students in University-owned halls feel supported, indicating the success of the work carried out in the Murano residences.

"These surveys are a very welcome addition and should allow the SRC and the University to better do what we really need to be doing right now: listening to the students, and supporting them accordingly,” says SRC President Liam Brady. “The SRC fully backs this initiative and would encourage all student to take part in the surveys to make sure your voices are heard as loudly and clearly as possible."

The second week of questions were on the important subject of technology:

  • 95% had adequate tech to receive their first week of teaching
  • 70% knew where to get help with IT
  • 82% have had the opportunity to collaborate with classmates online.

The University of Glasgow Student Experience Pulse Surveys (SEPS) are hosted within Moodle, an area most students should be familiar with through regular visits and are open to all registered students, regardless of location, level or mode of study. Each pulse survey runs for a week and changes over on Monday mornings.

A full timetable of questions has been scheduled, including questions about the Library, student support, community, academic experience and overall student experience, providing rich and timely insight.

“More than ever before," says Moira Fischbacher-Smith, Vice-Principal (Learning & Teaching), "We need to know what we are getting right for students and where we are not meeting expectations. The best way to find out is to ask and, by giving students this platform, we are making sure that we are asking the right questions at the right time and that we can respond swiftly to their concerns.

“It is important we champion this as an organisation and I would encourage colleagues to recommend that students participate in future surveys.”

First published: 23 October 2020