Want to be part of the discussion on race, ethnicity and nationality at the University?   

As part of the University of Glasgow’s ongoing Race Equality Project work, we are looking for individuals to share their experiences of race equality at the University. If you are from an ethnic minority background, we would like to hear your insights and perspectives from your lived experience.  

To ensure we gain a true representation of the accounts of ethnic minority staff we are looking for participation from all Colleges and University Services, and from all job families and grades. Your participation will help us identify any potential concerns and capture the lived experience of ethnic minority staff at the University.  

Interviews will be conducted as telephone interviews lasting approximately between 45 and 60 minutes. All interviews will be summarised anonymously for the purpose of reporting, and you will not be identified.  

If you are interested in contributing towards this crucial and meaningful project please email cassie.masterton@glasgow.ac.uk where you can discuss the next steps.  

This work will inform the University’s response to the Equality and Human Rights inquiry into racial harassment. To lead this project the University established a Working Group co-convened by the University’s Race Equality Champion, Bonnie Dean, VP Corporate Engagement & Innovation, and Professor Satnam Virdee, Professor of Sociology.  The Working Group has BAME (Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority) staff and student representatives, along with representatives from the Equality and Diversity Unit and the Students' Representative Council.   


First published: 20 May 2020